Happy Day, OR not.
Isn’t it romantic?
I didn’t think so. I just got finished watching The Prom, a buffy episode, and I have to say I’m bitter-ish about the episode, for several reasons….
1- Joyce– I want you to know that Joyce happens to be one of the worst moms who ‘claims’ they care about their daughter. I mean where is her brain? “Oh I know, I’ll take the man my daughter loves, and butt into their relationship. Not only that, I won’t accept her decisions, and her choice of friends. That’s the way to endear her to me. Definately.”
2- Angel– Breaking up with Buffy the day before her prom. What a great idea. Wonderful, really. I mean you’re alive for 243 years and this is what you learn? NOTHING? I mean, hello! Worst time ever to break up with ANYONE! Crap. How stupid do you have to be? Oh, Right…. brooding poof stupid.
3- Award Ceremony– Like any high school full of your average teens (which they are, if you watch Earshot.) would even remotely think about anything but themselves. They gave her an award. And Yeah, Buffy deserved it, but see I still run on the whole Elementary school valentines day thing–
If you don’t have one for everyone– then don’t give any out. THP! Screw them all. Nothing is fairy tale happy. TV makes America not only deluded but jaded.
Derringer Meryl [Jaded, Oh So Jaded] Out