
My Precious-s-s-s

I would like to say…..


Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence

Yeah, So apparently my depression stems from the fact that I play games. Damn I wish they could have told me sooner so I could stop playing and frolic amidst the butterflies and never worry about a therapist.

Trust me on this one….

The Columbine Shooters may have learned to kill from first person shooters, MAYBE, but they didn’t get the incentive to do so from them…..

it was some smart-ass Jock who pushed them around everyday of their lives. Maybe if parents would take a step back for a sec they’d notice that their kids are total Jackasses, and get them some help, like some sort of ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT. Okay?? For some reason high school kids think they have the RIGHT to tromp on people’s self esteem.

And that’s why I play video games. Because for one hour a day, if not longer, I can be a princess, where some guy thinks i’m cute.

Instead of calling me a hoe or a dog or something. Damn. I dont’ understand why someone would like to live in a fantasy world for hours on end.

Cause we all know this one is so pleasant to live in.

I’ll leave you with my words…. which are anger. If this world wasn’t so tainted by people who had egos that take up the room, then we’d all be able to live, happily.

Derringer Meryl [emotionally attacked] Out

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