
In my life, it’d be to be more like her

Wedding Bells? Is that what I can hear?

Yeah, it is. My friend Hikergirl, is getting married this month. I’m excited for her, just because she’s so happy. I can’t help but wishing her the best, and I’m going to get her a present from me… just me, not my parents too. *smiles*

See– the year my brother and sister-in-law got married, i had a real rough time with them getting married– I wrote about it in here, I just can’t remember where i did, for the life of me. … anyway. It was way hard for me. and for some reason, I told her– I told her, this friend of mine. In fact I told everyone in my ward that i tried to kill myself. I don’t know why I did, and i still don’t– but i was walking back to the car to go back down the canyon (i wasn’t camping with the rest of them.) and she hugged me so tight– so tight… that i knew she cared. I knew it meant something to her– me living. We were never close– not like Red and I are, or anything, but we always had something– we’d talk and what not– and i wish her the best in her new life. The very best. If there’s anyone in this world who deserves it, it’s her. I never told her how much it meant to me– that hug– but you bet i will.

Life is made up of little moments– like that one — that make it worth living.

Derringer Meryl [If i could do anything] Out

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Wedding on the Brain

Life would be SO much easier if it was like a math problem. You could solve it, and, on monday when the teacher gives you the answer, you can go back and look at the problem and see what you did wrong, if anything. Sure if you were stupid enough to write in pen, you might have to re-copy your homework, but that’s really your own fault. But you can erase…. or white out. and you can look at a problem, and walk away, go watch some tv, and come back and solve it because your mind is clear.

But life isnt’ that way, unfortunately. Big choices, that you have to make quickly, and there isnt’ any just erasing what happens. there isn’t any, …. people are involved. People with emotions, and dreams and thoughts, and perceptions. That’s why, i guess, thinking all the time is a blessing. Sometimes you know exactly what to say, and the rest of the time you stick your foot in your mouth. Thinking ahead, about what choices you want in life, it helps you aim for the goal.

…. like a temple marriage…. *shrugs* knowing that i don’t want a husband who is a religion nazi, and that loves me, and only one thing in the world more than me, God. Who doesn’t look at girls and thinks “Could I have done better?” and NEVER EVER comes up with the answer of yes. Who loves the occult, but doesn’t worship it, but safely admires it from a distance. Knows things he probably shouldn’t, but not from experience, from others stupid mistakes (like exactly how to mix drinks, or what a fluffer is…) I don’t need a preacher to get married to, I have a Bishop, I have a father, and I have a conscience, and i don’t need one more person telling me i’m going to hell.

he knows i’m a woman, knows what that means, and knows that i am in no way less than him. (In fact scientifically the more orifices that an animal has, the more evolutionarily advanced it is. SO HAH!!) We’d be a little different. We may think different ways, but would be able to compromise in a way to make both of us happy. I would never hear the words “Honey, I’m really thirsty, i need a drink.” coming from his mouth unless in dire circumstances of illness or injury.

He’d make me laugh. Daily. His smile will be a little crooked when we shared a joke, and no matter what, it’d make me feel the same way. Special. Pure and clean, like light was shining out through my pores. He and I would have a few things in common, but he’d participate in a few things i did (like poetry readings) that he didn’t like, and i’d participate in things i don’t necessarily like (Car Races? I don’t know, i’ve never been in a relationship long enough for a guy to suggest an activity i didn’t like.) and we’d be happy.

If he had a bad day at work, i’d do everything to make it better. He’d keep a journal and be in touch with his feminine side, and not afraid to admit it. He’d do his share of house work, and i’d have to teach him to do the laundry, but it’d all turn out okay. He’d talk to me while I cook dinner, which of course i’ll burn, and we’d eat it anyway. he’d hold my hand on the escalators at the mall, and we’d go into stores together, and i’d never whine, or him either for that matter.

and he’s all in my head. I see parts of him in guys I meet from day to day…. Gert, Monkey, Marco, Frienjamin, Johnny Depp (new nickname for another Co-worker), My teachers, just– guys. Everywhere. I notice what they do, what they don’t do, and what i want my future husband to do. I’m willing to bend on things. I have to be. I mean, that’s damn near the perfect guy i listed there, (I know I’ve been looking) and obviously I’m sure as hell not perfect. (Note the Hell)

I’m hopeless.

Derringer Meryl [Hello Spinsterhood] Out

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If i’m such a catch, why haven’t i been caught?

I have thoughts like this running through my mind as my parents send me off to college to get married. Can you believe they’re paying Next to five hundred dollars so i can learn, and get married, or at least find a potential husband, because the man of my dreams certainly must be waiting with in the community college…

*blinks* Lets not go into that. Makes my chest sorta hurt, and images fly through my mind like i’m going to die or something.

THen i go to institute, which is like… Church school. I learn about my church. i’m sure i sound thrilled, really, but it isn’t so bad. the teachers are nice, and very funny, and then there’s the reason i’m there:

to find someone to marry, which is sorta hard when everyone there is like going with a date. Like Johnny and Suzy. Okay, so i don’t really know anyone named that, or anything, but it gets a little annoying when you’re sitting in class and everyone is holding hands with someone except you…. and your brother. ew. Anyway.

I’m just tired. I’m tired of being dragged here and there, and everywhere, when my heart rests in an invisible little grove full of dead trees. I’m sappy. And gross. I hate myself for it, but people don’t have much choice in this kind of thing, they just fall. Ya know? *laughs to herself* I’m sadly… in a sad place with people. i can’t do much about it. Not everyone deserves hate,

and i can’t fall out of…. these emotions without hating. And the person, doesn’t deserve my hate, or anyones hate, or malice, or even a smidgen of bad feelings.

He deserves everything to go right in his life. And if i could do that for him I would. In a heart beat. I would change everything to suit him.

and if someone else makes him happy, then i can deal with that– because he would be happy. I just…. I want him to be happy. Really.

Derringer Meryl [dripping with sap] Out

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Going a little loopy

Yeah. So, Um. Yeah.

Can I add a new stressor to my list, one that makes my sides twitch, and my stomach tie in knots, and make me feel like barfing….

Get new friends

It’s been explained to me that my friends won’t get me to heaven, but i figure God wants me to be happy,and i don’t know how being sad in the short run of life, will make me happier there. *shrugs* I plan on keeping Red, Marco, Staples, Monkey, J-bob, Gert, and whoever else might fall under the “not going to get me to heaven” friends title, as great friends, because they are. Sure, sometimes they hurt me, and sometimes I hurt them. Intentionally, unintentionally, in the end it’s all the same. It’s hurt. *looks down* Sure, maybe i should try and find a clientele of friends who don’t smoke and drink– but i thought God didn’t hate us, but the sin, and isn’t it more Godlike to love someone despite the sin?

I thought so.

Anyway. I’m going to Halo fun tomorrow, or whatever we happen to play. I want to be there, because i love my guys, despite what anyone says. And those who say, say I don’t have to get rid of my friends forever, dont’ have to toss them out with tomorrow’s trash, I just need to find more, who are running my way. I guess that makes sense, right? I wouldn’t say my set of friends is running the opposite direction, but i would say they’re standing on the side sorta… heckling. Basically, they want me to make friends who are progressing forward. I’m just not sure if I want to be progressing forward too. I mean, yeah sure, eventually, but right now? I mean forward for me consists of marriage, and babies. And that makes me eep a little bit. Wouldn’t it make you..?

If it doesn’t, check your pants. You’re probably a guy, or much older than me. *shrugs* Anyway, I have to attempt to register for classes at the institute again. I’m sorta scared to go. It’s one of those forward things. A grown up thing. I don’t know if I’m ready…. I’m not even sure if i’m ready to be graduated yet, and it’s a little late for that, isn’t it?

Derringer Meryl [nerve wracked] Out

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FAQ YourSelf for all I care

The mouth is a unique part of the body. Its amazing how as a child we use it to explore things around us, and …. how even when we do not know how to ‘effectively’ communicate with others, it still works wonders.

Now at the age of eighteen, i wonder how to make it stop. For some unknown reason I spew all of my thoughts without even knowing it…. Like i black out and the mouth has control of my body and it says…. whatever it WANTS TO!

That leads us to the my thoughts on the Id. The Id sucks ass. and for some reason, my ego and super ego are no longer doing anything, it’s like they went on vacation!

and see, that may not seem like a dangerous thing ever, but people tell me stuff, I know stuff about myself, that i can’t seem to keep in. Random people who dont’ care about me whatsoever know things about me that others dont’, and they probably shouldn’t.

and Yeah. I mean, there’s a guy that works with Marco… I think his name is Sean, or something, but, he knows just as much about me as Marco does now. I think. Well pretty damn close.

Anyway. My mum says I can’t hang overnight at Red’s anymore. i think I’m old enough to make my own damn choices. I mean– if i want to hang at my friends house, with MY Friends, it’s my deal. Me. My choice. Red doesn’t control me, anything she’s mad about was my IDEA, I pushed it. Me.

Hello! Is there a world of ME in the choices i make. Maybe I am self involved. But HELL! Who isn’t? *Mumbles* Mum says I have no conscience… maybe it’s because i’ve never been in a situation scary enough to have to make a choice. Every thing is premade, already done, and I’m never faced with anything hard.

Sure, there’s the whole “Should I go to college, or not and get thrown out?” thing…. but no one in this house has the motzaballs to throw me out.

I just want to get AWAY! Because i can’t stand it here anymore. >_<;; I’m just so tired of all the running around and the chasing….

and OMG If I hear ONE More thing about me going to the singles ward so I can find a FINE upstanding Young man. . . .

I don’t want the Seminary President. I don’t want a guy who is going to smother me for the rest of my life with verses, and parables.

I want a guy who loves God, Like me, and loves me.

because i find that more important than if he went on a mission or not…. because i’m a sap who believes that true love will triumph over most anything… excluding infidelity.

Derringer Meryl [starry-eyed] Out

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