
My New Moon Secret [spoilerish]

This is a twilight post. I think that statement should warn you pretty well.

I read New Moon and Twilight together, consecutively after my Mother in law and sister in law met Stephenie Meyer at BYU for a lecture one day.  Had I known then that I would become such a squealy fan girl, I would have demanded I went with so I could lick her face… or ask her to blow her nose in a tissue to so I could make clone. (HAHA, I’m crazy.) In any case, they suggested I read them, because they were (and are) good. So I hesitantly agreed. I’m not good at reading books people suggest and say “Oh you’d enjoy it!” I usually spend months trying to drag my way through suggested books. The therapist I went to recently actually says I probably lack the attention span to read. He’s quite right. I’m not a good reader. I was once an excellent reader. I think I heard too much that I was an excellent reader, and now I’m lazy about it. Anyway, not the point here….

I sat down and read Twilight in a short 8 hours or so. I stayed up to finish it. It was RIGHT up my alley as predicted. I immediately started New moon, which took me days to finish. It was hard. It felt like it was hard to write too. I chalked it up to poor writing on Smeyer’s behalf, but after reading and re-reading and learning and thinking, i realize that it wasn’t hard for her to write because of writers block or poor writing skills or anything like that– it was emotionally difficult to force her characters to do something emotionally difficult. To make the story more complex.  It was physically hard for me to read it as it was like looking in an emotional mirror, on some levels.

I, like so many others, saw myself in Bella. In High school, I struggled emotionally with depression. I struggled physically with the energy it took to get out of bed and go to school. To be at school. I felt like I was being smothered… Like I was drowning. Nothing was fun, or happy. (Which I’m sure you can understand is no reflection on the people around me. I could have been at disneyland and I would have felt like this) Even through some of the happiest times, I felt like I was drowning. I wish i could pinpoint what exactly made me feel so horrible. There are a lot of things I could blame it on.  Mostly things were bad. They felt bad. I felt bad. And as I turn the pages November, December, January…. last time I read it, I cried. I cried for the years I lost to depression, and I did. The experiences I missed, or couldn’t fully enjoy. For the friends I lost, for the people who stood by me. For my parents who had to watch as I became just a shell of myself. Who couldn’t help me like they so desperately wanted to…. I had convinced myself on several occasions that if God really loved me, and really wanted me to be happy, then it was ok to Kill myself because I would be happier dead. For those who say “I knew that book was no good, See Bella tries to kill herself” I say, what the hell book are you reading? Bella only keeps going because that’s what Edward wants. Also, I say, who are you to judge? Sure she’s a fictional character in an alternative universe, but HEY, have you ever felt so down that you felt like killing yourself is the only escape? That the harshness of this world is too much and you just need to escape. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem… but You can’t judge the people who have done it. Just don’t. You haven’t been where they are. You can be mad at them, and mourn them, miss them… don’t judge them.

I feel as though the new movie (as you may have heard, they’re making New Moon into a movie) is going to spill all my emotions onto a screen with a poor actor who couldn’t possibly understand. I feel like she will be making a farce of all the tender emotions… How can you know? How can you possibly act out the agony of depression? It is not simply moping around with a frowny face or avoiding friends.  I felt physically broken.  This isn’t some tawdry scene of feeling sad because a boy left. It is the deep agonizing journey to try and repair a hole that someone or something has ripped in you. I am afraid of the disrespect that the actors, writers and directors could pay to this while focusing on wardrobe, chilled beverages, and keeping their primadonna actors in line and doing what they’re paid to do… instead of the emotional weight that the book carries.

Maybe I’m the only one who is that emotional about the book.

Derringer Meryl [Depression claims lives even when it doesn’t kill] Out

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I don’t have strong opinions on MUCH

But I can tell you what I do have strong opinions on. Vetrans. Which sounds weird, I’m sure. Neither of my parents are veterans (though my father was in the Navy for a period of time) My Dad’s Dad was in the Army (I think? Forgive me if I am mistaken, He did serve our country though) None of my brothers are in the military at all, we’re not really the … fighting type? i guess?

But I worked for the US Postal service for 2 years, and I heard from MANY vetrans during that period of time, who were waiting on their medication from the VA. Who were getting their medicine through the mail to their homes. Did you know that if your medicine is lost in the mail the VA will not replace it? Yeah. These men (and now women, most of the vetrans I spoke to were men, and elderly) served our country, put their lives on the line and saw unspeakable things in the heat of battle … and if their heart medication is lost in the mail, well they’re just SOL. Can you imagine? Not to mention the hospitals they’re treated in. It’s like some sort of secret no one in the US wants to face. I think everyone deserves great care (medical) but for our soliders, quite frankly they are treated like dirt. It’s disgusting. Not to mention how it works within the military regularly. Your pay can take weeks to come in (for who knows why) reimbursment for a forced move can take months. it’s outrageous!!

No wonder no one wants to be in the military any more. Who wants to sign their life (or any portion of it) away to being treated like scum by your own country’s government. I am greatful to the people who have, and do.  My heart breaks for their families who spend days without their mom, dad, brother, sister, etc. Who sacrifice seeing their child being born, walking and talking to protect us. There are no words for the gratitude I feel for these soldiers.
Derringer Meryl [overwhelmed] Out

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Dare I say it?

I think I do.

I’m going to get it all together soon and make some lactation cookies. I learned that with Katie last time you can’t go into Breastfeeding half handedly.  I had some problems that I’m trying to remember and keep in mind this time for a less stressful situation.  I will probably want to make these cookies ASAP just so I have them handy.  This is the following recipe:



  1. Preheat oven to 350°.
  2. Mix the flaxseed meal and water and let sit for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Beat butter, sugar, and brown sugar well.
  4. Add eggs and mix well.
  5. Add flaxseed mix and vanilla, beat well.
  6. Sift together flour, brewers yeast, baking soda, and salt.
  7. Add dry ingredients to butter mix.
  8. Stir in oats and chips.
  9. Scoop onto baking sheet.
  10. Bake for 12 minutes.
  11. Let set for a couple minutes then remove from tray.
I’ll probably have to wait until next month to do these, since I don’t have brewers yeast, flaxseed or oats… Unless they mean oat meal? I’m not sure. I am not cooking adept. LOL I am crazy like that. I used to have flaxseed, but I think it got tossed in the move (sorry mom, who was generous and gave it to me) I still need to cook and freeze a few things. I have been wanting to try chicken tacos for a while. Maybe tonight I will pull out chicken (frozen) and let it thaw so that tomorrow night we can have chicken tacos!
I was discussing with my mom this weekend how unusual it is that so many families (my own included) don’t eat dinner at the table together like I did as a kid. My mom was GREAT at making sure we all had dinner together. Sometimes we were plus or minus a few kids (friends over, gone to a friend’s house and later out on dates or at work) but we always ate at the table (although i can recall on a few occasions that we sat and ate in the front room, but it was usually summer and it was too hot to be that close to the oven!) My mom was/is a great mom. I feel bad sometimes that I use work as an excuse not to do things like have dinner at the table. My mom always cooked us dinner after a long day at her old job, which was exhausting. I remember h elping… faintly. I can also remember as a kid not helping as much as I should have. I’m paying for it now. I don’t cook … well? I cook alright. I can cook a few things…. But I’m not a master chef or anything. If I had paid closer attention I also might have learned how not to get overwhelmed in the kitchen. I also think I might need to put a baby gate up so that Katie can’t run around in the kitchen while I”m working. It’s tough to discipline her and get things cooked. (Another reason I don’t cook terribly often, If I have to choose between Katie time and cooking dinner, guess what wins?)
In any case. I do need to cook some. My mom made Chicken Enchilladas the other day for my brother’s B-day and YUM YUM YUM! The definately needed olives (everything should have olives!) but they were so yum. Also there is something infinately tasty about a meal you didn’t cook yourself. I’m glad my mom is such a good cook! I think I will need to make a thing of chicken Enchilladas to freeze, and I’d like to freeze up some other things. I should start a list….
I mentioned to the therapist last week that I went to that I am obsessive with lists. He asked if it was a helping thing, or if It was damaging my functionality. I said it was mostly helpful to keep my brain from being less scattered. With my ADD I tend to skip from activity to Activity without much thought. I’m not trying to be scatter brained… I just am. Which reminds me I need to do a grocery list. I love grocery shopping day. 🙂 I don’t enjoy when katie runs from us in the store. She thinks it’s a game. 🙁
better get to list making…
Derringer Meryl [Whirlwind] Out
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My guesses about this baby

I won’t be getting 2 majillion more Ultrasounds like I did with Katie, so I have to guess what she’ll be like (or he! Could we all be horrifically wrong??) based on movement and such.

I think she’ll be a calm baby. I’m probably jinxing myself saying that… but she feels calm, not a big mover or shaker.

She won’t have constant hiccups all the time.

She’ll have Scott’s logical mind, and blue eyes. (I’m fighting on the blue eye thing, Scott and I think it’d be wonderful if she had blue eyes and brown hair)

I think she’ll not have much hair at all! Like I did when I was born. Far less than Katie did.  A bald onion headed baby 😉

I think she’ll be patient, and that she’ll love to play games and mimic (Katie didn’t get into the mimic thing until just recently, she perferred to observe)

I think she’ll be fascinated by Katie.

These are my guesses so far.

Derringer Meryl [Upcoming events] Out

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My Panic

I (almost daily) have a panic about my c-section. It’s not really a gripping panic attack (which I’ve had before, even at work, about nothing or anything) it’s just this feeling under the surface of my skin that seems to beg me to write this blog post. My brain says “Just ask. Asking is ok!” and another part ofme that apparently has so much pride I don’t know where it’s coming from, because honestly I don’t consider myself a prideful person says “Don’t. That’s rude. Asking is rude.”

But apparently my need for panic has over ridden my pride, or even a sense of prudence. I dont’ know who reads this blog (well I know who comments, and I know my lovin’ mom reads it– cause she’s sweet.) but I’m panicking about when I get home from the hospital… then what?
You’ve heard me mention that I want to freeze up some food and keep it. Good idea! haven’t done it yet. Will probably do it late June.

My biggest fear is… my stairs. Dumb thing to be scared of? quite possibly. Some patients are told by their doctors to not use the stairs at all. That leaves me either upstairs all the time, or downstairs all the time. (Though techically I’d have to use the stairs to get downstairs.) I’m afraid of 6 weeks stuck alone in my house with Katie and Audrey (or as of yet unnamed baby Boy. I keep having dreams it’s a boy.) really when I think about it, that fear is PRETTY unfounded, because even if Scott doesn’t take work off, he’s still at home during the day, I didn’t have him run and do so much for me at night as I did during the day… But I know Katie needs to get out and do stuff, and I know Scott will be pretty exhausted from work/being a new daddy again SO, if anyone feels the need to help, and you think “Oh she’s probably not needing me coming to stare at her house and her nursing 24/7, and that’s just weird” and you want to help but you don’t necissarily know what to do? Please just come play with my Katie. I’m scared she will be lacking attention and all the fawning she’s used to and will be intensely jealous. Come and get her and her little red wagon and drag her around the street, or come and take her to the park which is like 2 minutes away– Take her to Costco with you when you run to get milk or any other quick chore that you don’t mind extending a few (haha, or a bunch of) extra minutes.  Play a puzzle with her in her room…. whatever. All of these things, GOOD THINGS!

I realize everyone in existance can’t come over and help. If you can, please do. I don’t care if y ou even do anything as long as I get visitors. I was very lonely when I had Katie, but Scott was at work more and I didn’t have a two year old, and I didn’t have … STAIRS.
I am planning (hopefully) to nest downstairs with our TV, our lappy and a sturdy surface for holding things (ie food, drinks etc) I remember there were often times that I fell asleep nursing Katie on our couch. I plan for this to continue. Laying down is too hard at first. sitting up in a recliner or on a couch is the way to go!! 😀 I’m excited to have my baby. I’m nervous, I’m nerve-wracked, It’s weird to think it’s only 2 months away!! (or less if I go into labor!!)

I’m so enthused! I feel like I might actually know what i”m doing this time! I’m nervous because it might all be completely different!!

Derringer Meryl [Nerves] Out

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