Dare I say it?
I think I do.
I’m going to get it all together soon and make some lactation cookies. I learned that with Katie last time you can’t go into Breastfeeding half handedly. I had some problems that I’m trying to remember and keep in mind this time for a less stressful situation. I will probably want to make these cookies ASAP just so I have them handy. This is the following recipe:
- 1 cup butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
- 4 tablespoons water
- 2 tablespoons flax seed meal
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 2 cups flour
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 3 cups oats
- 1 cup chocolate chips
- 2-4 tablespoons brewer’s yeast
- Preheat oven to 350°.
- Mix the flaxseed meal and water and let sit for 3-5 minutes.
- Beat butter, sugar, and brown sugar well.
- Add eggs and mix well.
- Add flaxseed mix and vanilla, beat well.
- Sift together flour, brewers yeast, baking soda, and salt.
- Add dry ingredients to butter mix.
- Stir in oats and chips.
- Scoop onto baking sheet.
- Bake for 12 minutes.
- Let set for a couple minutes then remove from tray.
I’ll probably have to wait until next month to do these, since I don’t have brewers yeast, flaxseed or oats… Unless they mean oat meal? I’m not sure. I am not cooking adept. LOL I am crazy like that. I used to have flaxseed, but I think it got tossed in the move (sorry mom, who was generous and gave it to me) I still need to cook and freeze a few things. I have been wanting to try chicken tacos for a while. Maybe tonight I will pull out chicken (frozen) and let it thaw so that tomorrow night we can have chicken tacos!
I was discussing with my mom this weekend how unusual it is that so many families (my own included) don’t eat dinner at the table together like I did as a kid. My mom was GREAT at making sure we all had dinner together. Sometimes we were plus or minus a few kids (friends over, gone to a friend’s house and later out on dates or at work) but we always ate at the table (although i can recall on a few occasions that we sat and ate in the front room, but it was usually summer and it was too hot to be that close to the oven!) My mom was/is a great mom. I feel bad sometimes that I use work as an excuse not to do things like have dinner at the table. My mom always cooked us dinner after a long day at her old job, which was exhausting. I remember h elping… faintly. I can also remember as a kid not helping as much as I should have. I’m paying for it now. I don’t cook … well? I cook alright. I can cook a few things…. But I’m not a master chef or anything. If I had paid closer attention I also might have learned how not to get overwhelmed in the kitchen. I also think I might need to put a baby gate up so that Katie can’t run around in the kitchen while I”m working. It’s tough to discipline her and get things cooked. (Another reason I don’t cook terribly often, If I have to choose between Katie time and cooking dinner, guess what wins?)
In any case. I do need to cook some. My mom made Chicken Enchilladas the other day for my brother’s B-day and YUM YUM YUM! The definately needed olives (everything should have olives!) but they were so yum. Also there is something infinately tasty about a meal you didn’t cook yourself. I’m glad my mom is such a good cook! I think I will need to make a thing of chicken Enchilladas to freeze, and I’d like to freeze up some other things. I should start a list….
I mentioned to the therapist last week that I went to that I am obsessive with lists. He asked if it was a helping thing, or if It was damaging my functionality. I said it was mostly helpful to keep my brain from being less scattered. With my ADD I tend to skip from activity to Activity without much thought. I’m not trying to be scatter brained… I just am. Which reminds me I need to do a grocery list. I love grocery shopping day. 🙂 I don’t enjoy when katie runs from us in the store. She thinks it’s a game. 🙁
better get to list making…
Derringer Meryl [Whirlwind] Out
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Okay when you said lactation cookies I thought you might be making cookies with your breast milk. . . but I looked over the ingredients. . . SAFE!! haha
LOL I would not eat cookies that I put my own Breastmilk in … UH NO. Anyone can eat them, but if you’re lactating, you’ll get more milk by eating them… supposedly.
Oatmeal is just rolled oats or if it’s the instant, then it’s a bit different, but the quaker oats that you get in the big cardboard tube box are typically what people call oats in cookie recipes 🙂