

So I am a busy bee these next few days, weeks and, dare I say it, months?

wanna hear? Course ya do, why else would you be here other than to hear my meandering thoughts?

So this weekend we have conference and a family get together. then next weekend is a friend’s birthday, and the weekend after that is Sukie’s Baby Shower… *sigh* After that is Mom and Dad’s birthday, Lorna’s Graduation, and Jam Jam’s Eagle Court of Honor. Whew. (There is a lot that weekend) Then we have mothers day and Katie’s birthday,  then things should mellow out long enough for me to plan Scott and I’s Anniversary, and then Scott’s Birthday and Audrey’s First Birthday… Not to mention that SOMEWHERE in there, Sukie will be having Pepper too! CRAZY.

In addition to that, I’m Doing a 30 day challenge with Scott to wear make up and do my hair. I am currently on day 4 :-p And my biggest loser competition that is going until July 1. Whew.  So I am a bit insane. I feel like I have bitten off a bit more than I can chew sometimes, but that’s how it is, right?

Did I mention we got a kitten?
Did I mention I’m out of my mind?

derringer meryl [crazy] out


Before I get to the good stuff

I thought I’d post about me wanting to implement some good changes in my life. Such as stopping drinking diet coke (i’m allowing myself one can a day until my cans are gone, cause I have a lot of them)  and I’m going to make proactive choices of taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work, and such.

Additionally (and the hardest to stick to) I will be waking up early to exercise. I think I will probably switch between walking on the treadmill and using wii fit. Mostly so I don’t get bored.  This means I will probably be getting up at 5-6 am just to exercise. I hope to do it daily, but I might have to simmer it down to three times a week at best. simply because I love me some sleepin’. I don’t love being overweight though.

Derringer Meryl [what what?!] Out

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