

At Dinner yesterday Wudan mentioned he didn’t know the song “We Are all on Drugs” by Weezer to which I scoff. I thought my brothers LIKED good music, but apparently he’s not as obsessed with Weezer as I am. He actually accused me of singing a song from High School Musical, and i just looked at him like he needed brain surgery.

we are all on drugs

I mean, I realize that we all don’t get the chance to sit around in our rooms doing homework and listening to music anymore (sad, on the music front anyway) but it’s no excuse to become poorly in touch with one of the most awesomest bands ever! I admit that I have became quite the weezer geek. I am thinking that Weezer has started to replace my love affair with Twilight (Which i would say has burned hot and heavy for a while) and now I have found a new (probably unhealthy) obsession.

Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. Ours was great!

Derringer Meryl [Something Something] Out

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All you need is love

How True.

I am thankful for the people who love me, and who I love as well.

When I met Scott, I worried about meeting his family, I worried they wouldn’t like me or think I was good enough for him. I am very grateful that they love and accept me, and that they are just as crazy as I am.

I am grateful to my mother and father in law who raised my husband to be the sweet man he is, and helped him become the person he is today. Scott was teasing katie the other day and made a face just like his dad would have. We miss him.

I love my sisters in law (on both sides! Not just talking the H family here!)

I’m just basking in the love.

Derringer Meryl [happy] out

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my sibs

I have been thinking long and hard about what to say about my sibs. Its a hard thing for me to define, why I love them so much.

To be honest growing up with four bros was hard at times. But I have fond memories of each of them.

It is an easy thing to do, to hold onto an angry past, but it is a far better thing to do to move past it.

I can recall many times my brothers made sure to include me, and I treasure those memories.

So here is to my bros, some of the sweetest dorks around.

Derringer Meryl [word up] out

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What’s the matter with Kids these days??

Not really. I have been with my kids this weekend (and other people’s too LOL) and I love my girls. They are a light in my life. While they on occasion drive me absolutely nuts (see this evening) they are sweet, and cute, and a blessing. There is a saying I learned on my message board, which i think is absolutely true….

“Our first child helps us to discover the depth of love; our second child, the breadth of it.”

I love my girls, I cherish them. I am grateful that they were sent to me and Scott to bring joy to our lives and allow us to progress as children of God.

Derringer Meryl [what’s the matter with] Out

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Taking this opportunity

To say how grateful I am for my parents. I’d spread them out over two days, but honestly– I would be afraid I’d post about one and forget the other, and they are a team. 🙂

My mom, I can remember, always told me to be a lady and be polite. I’m not sure how much of this rubbed off since I often put my callers on mute and scream about how I want to buy them a kitten, let them fall in love with that kitten and then steal away into their house and punch them in their face… but she tried. She stayed up late (more than i know, I’m sure) to make sure that my homework got done, and got up early to make sure i ate and got to school on time. Rain shine, sickness and health, my mommy was my mommy. Always. and of course i never realized that this wasn’t just her inclination to be like this until I was a mother myself, and I thought “GEEZE when do I get to sleep in??” and then I realized, the answer would be “never again!” as my mom has probably never (unless sick) slept past 8 am since my oldest brother was born (and he’s in his late thirties people, that’s a long time!!)

My dad, well he has sacrificed some sanity, and some good natured ribbings at his jokes and stories. I think that Maybe if I was a dad I could understand it better, the pressures of being a father, but I hope that I will never have to be a single parent. he was always a good provider, and I remember when I was little he worked graves and would sleep all day, and I remember he was never grumpy at us if we were too loud. I love to see him with my kids now, he is a spectacular grandpa, and while he gets on occasion overwhelmed by my girls (Katie likes to run around with his camera, I’m not sure how much it cost, but I can tell you my heart nearly stops when I see her with it) but he does his best, and really, what else can you ask for? I can remember him on many occasions telling me or my brothers not to say mean things to “his sweetheart” (My mom, duh) and i always admired that he stood up for her that way.

I appreciate that they raised me going to church, and being active in our callings. My mom and I are both kind of shy people, but I can recall her being a caring and loving woman to people when in need. Mom taught me to be frugal, and thrifty in my spending. I wish (looking back) that I had paid more attention, I love that I can call her and talk to her and ask her questions. That she loves to make things for my kids.

I love my parents, and I’m grateful for them. I’m so happy to see them in their capacities as grandparents to my girls. It’s a beautiful thing

Derringer Meryl [love love love] Out

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