Taking this opportunity
To say how grateful I am for my parents. I’d spread them out over two days, but honestly– I would be afraid I’d post about one and forget the other, and they are a team. 🙂
My mom, I can remember, always told me to be a lady and be polite. I’m not sure how much of this rubbed off since I often put my callers on mute and scream about how I want to buy them a kitten, let them fall in love with that kitten and then steal away into their house and punch them in their face… but she tried. She stayed up late (more than i know, I’m sure) to make sure that my homework got done, and got up early to make sure i ate and got to school on time. Rain shine, sickness and health, my mommy was my mommy. Always. and of course i never realized that this wasn’t just her inclination to be like this until I was a mother myself, and I thought “GEEZE when do I get to sleep in??” and then I realized, the answer would be “never again!” as my mom has probably never (unless sick) slept past 8 am since my oldest brother was born (and he’s in his late thirties people, that’s a long time!!)
My dad, well he has sacrificed some sanity, and some good natured ribbings at his jokes and stories. I think that Maybe if I was a dad I could understand it better, the pressures of being a father, but I hope that I will never have to be a single parent. he was always a good provider, and I remember when I was little he worked graves and would sleep all day, and I remember he was never grumpy at us if we were too loud. I love to see him with my kids now, he is a spectacular grandpa, and while he gets on occasion overwhelmed by my girls (Katie likes to run around with his camera, I’m not sure how much it cost, but I can tell you my heart nearly stops when I see her with it) but he does his best, and really, what else can you ask for? I can remember him on many occasions telling me or my brothers not to say mean things to “his sweetheart” (My mom, duh) and i always admired that he stood up for her that way.
I appreciate that they raised me going to church, and being active in our callings. My mom and I are both kind of shy people, but I can recall her being a caring and loving woman to people when in need. Mom taught me to be frugal, and thrifty in my spending. I wish (looking back) that I had paid more attention, I love that I can call her and talk to her and ask her questions. That she loves to make things for my kids.
I love my parents, and I’m grateful for them. I’m so happy to see them in their capacities as grandparents to my girls. It’s a beautiful thing
Derringer Meryl [love love love] Out