
30 Day No Negativity Challenge

I’ll be honest, my pessimism brings me down, a lot. (as we discussed in my last post) but a wonderful lady from my message board suggested a 30 day no negativity challenge. I think this will be great to go hand in hand with my 35 day (ish) losing weight challenge before DQ’s wedding. Gotta do it.

I can’t believe it, i ran a mile last night. I wasn’t winded from it… but my throat felt like it it was going to close up. My Co-worker and I are speculating that it may be because i was breathing in dry air, and then the moist air of my shower relaxed my throat. In any case, I am going to oscillate through a few different exercises. First, running on the tredmil, probably Monday and Tuesdays, easy peasy. Wednesday and Thursday will be wii fit, and Friday will be Julian’s Shred, which kicks my butt, two days of rest and good eating (healthy eating, ;)) and then start all over. I think we all know that two days is a good amount of time to recover from Julian’s Shred. She’ll kick your booty. No time to rest in her work outs. she talks at you while she jumps around. But I’m excited. After 35 days, i may calm my exercise schedule down, but I want to continue. Exercise will naturally keep me feeling happier, thanks to endorphins.

and you know what? if I don’t stay with my rigorous schedule, if I miss a day, or don’t feel like it sometimes, it’s OK. Really. Because I’m not perfect. And while that sounds a bit like a cop out, or an excuse, it’s not. It’s reality. I’m not perfect, and I’ll do my best to stick with it, and drink my water instead of diet coke, I’ll probably make a few mistakes, and that’s OK 🙂 As long as I start over and try again! 🙂

Failure isn’t when you don’t achieve your goals, it’s when you stop trying to.

I can already feel that this 30 day no negativity is going to be awesome. I LOVE MY LIFE!! 🙂 It’s hard, but worth it! 😀

Derringer Meryl [Feeling Very Up] Out

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