
Lame? Maybe.

I adore bed and breakfasts’. I do. I usually judge the room based on the comfort of the bed and the size of the tub. I want a super duper tub that makes me feel like freakin’ julia roberts in Pretty Woman. I want to be able to be up to my chin in bubbles. You hear me?
Anyway. I’m lame. I would LOVE to go to anniversary inn. Scott…. not so much. He’s very meh about it. I have decided (with the Unveiling of the Twilight/Edward room) that I’m going no matter what. I’m a huge twi-geek, and this proves it. I had intended to take DQ with me, but I’m sure she’ll be swimming in her beloved’s eyes and be not so keen on leaving him at that point.

So I’m going to save my pennies, and my DVD’s and I may just go by myself. I don’t do anything by myself. Ever. I never ever have. I always tote someone along with me, because I think I have a fear of being by myself. I think though, that i might just go by myself. I would prohibit Scott from coming, but I think he’d rather lick a toilet seat in New Jersey than come with me to Anniversary Inn. Oh well. I’ll just have to arrange babysitting, and go! 🙂

I need to spoil myself a little bit more. 😉
Derringer Meryl [Alone again, naturally] Out

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Things I love

this one happens to be sewing, and being a girly girl. Who likes sewing and quilting and embroidery and such.

For the first time in a while I want to do things. I did finish Audrey’s quilt last year, but that was due to obligation to get it done BEFORE Christmas. I felt like I had to. Now I want to do something for me.

DQ is getting married (AWWWWW) and She’s not really having a line or anything, and I want to wear something nice. Something that I have wanted for a while (ok, since Jr High when I grew out of my last one) A full skirt. In fact, I would say a full skirt that looks like this:

Sorry to the lady I ganked that off of on Etsy. I’d download it myself… but lazy. Anyway. It’s just so feminine. I miss feeling like that. Usually when you’re a mom, you forget things like taking time for yourself. Being that I didn’t do it that much before I figured I would be all set. INSTEAD I find myself upset and resenting that I didn’t take the opportunity. WHY DIDN”T I?? Oh well. No use being upset over what’s in the past right? I try to take time for myself now though, Because… let’s face it, if Momma aint happy, no one is happy.

I have thought again and again about writing more. I just cannot seem to do it.  I mentioned my old stuff (poems mostly) from when I was in college and high school. I just look at them and think “Gosh these were good” and some of them are. Some are ridiculous. Some I love so much that they move me to tears. not because they are poignant and are sure to be a classic someday after I die… more like… “yeah I still feel like that” kind of thing. One was a prompted poem, about who I am. About how I don’t define who i am, everyone around me defines who I am. Someday everyone will step back and notice me, for who I am, and realize they have had a hand in shaping me. My personality, my life….. I dont’ make my own choices. I dont’ live this life for myself. Not to sound morbid or anything, but I am not here for me. who am I? To think that anything is about me? it’s not. Nothing is. How silly of me to think so, so i don’t. Maybe I have lost some sort of sense of self. My spirit has been Broken? Possibly. I dont’ really feel like I should fight for anything. it’s kind of like the wind has been knocked out of me at this point. I would say– I am here for you, not for myself.

Blah enough downer talk. I wish I could convey it with out being all debbie downer.

Anyway. I want to make a skirt, like that. In a beautiful silk shantung. gorgeous…. In orange. Not like safety cone orange. Like a firey color. and then find some sort of corsety top to go on top. Maybe in a cream? fabulous. yes. i’m a fan.

I love wearing skirts….

Derringer Meryl [skirty girl] Out

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The one where I snitched

I remember when I was like… 10, I found my brother’s offspring CD, and was reading the lyrics, and found that it said “ass” in it (HA!) and totally snitched to my parents. He was PISSED! 15 years later, I’m jammin’ to the same band, same songs, loving them! (Currently listening to “Want you Bad”) But the thing is 10 year old me, just didn’t know what it’s like being an adult. Maybe I should try living up to 10 year old me’s standards, but… I think sometimes we miss out on some good things in life (good music, good people) because we can’t look past what we might deem as “wrong”

Your one vice
It’s you’re too nice
Come around now can you see
Don’t get me wrong
I know you’re only being good
But that’s what’s wrong
I guess I just misunderstood

Derringer Meryl [Lyric spew?] Out

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The one where I go for an interview

I am going for an interview tomorrow. I am trying not to say anything on facebook, because well, I don’t want to cause a stir with my employer who spies on my facebook account. If the man is reading my blog well… 😛 none ya bidness MAN!


I’m pretty excited about it. An interview, is just an interview, but it makes me feel marketable. I hope something positive comes of it.

We went tonight to roast marshmellows and hot dogs. Delicious. Katie loved the river, and slipped in a little bit. but she didn’t get too wet. I also got off work early to go to my doctor’s appointment. It was miserable. I took the two kids, and the doctor was running an hour behind. UGH! You know what is miserable, two kids who are super grumpy and need naps trapped in a small room with a few books and one toy that the older one won’t share. That is what I call hell. Anyway. i told the doctor about my dreams that seem to just be false memories, that I swear up and down that they have happened. he asked if they were hallucinations, and I said no. He seemed nonplussed. I am much more concerned for my sanity. I don’t think all mentally unhealthy people are as easy to detect as a paranoid schizophrenic. But still. I think maybe I’ll go to psychiatrist, for all of my mental health needs. I am finding that i’m having a hard time trusting people. My paranoia is increasing. I feel tense and anxious when it’s unnatural. I told the doctor today that I shouldn’t take wellbutrin, I remember I got taken off of it really fast as a teen, but I couldn’t remember why. He still seemed insistent. There is nothing I dislike more than a doctor who is unwilling to listen to my needs. DO NOT LIKE. Anyway. Off to look for Psychiatrists in the area.
Derringer Meryl [what what!] Out

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the one where I talk about dreams

I hate dreaming. especially on the medication I’m on. it’s like being awake and asleep blur together, and I’m not sure what has happened. Last night I dreamed I decided to up and leave and go to boston, and my entire family (meaning my parents and brothers and sisters in law) were in favor of this. I remember that I thought it was too cold in Utah, and I apparently thought that Boston was going to be some sort of tropical island. It was bizzare. There were some under currents to the dream that made it increasingly more disturbing, but I choose not to revisit those.

Mom has suggested that I apply for a blogging job. I’m not sure If I’m coherent enough for that, but I figure I should try for it anyway. It’s for a “getting out of debt” blog. I’m not as deep into debt as the average american, but I think I may have an angle that works. Also I’m younger than they’d like, so i’m already fighting on that. Anyway. It’s something I’d like to do. Write for a living. Or I guess, write for money you know? They say writing is like being a prostitute… first you do it for fun, then you do it for those you love, and then you end up doing it for money. HAHA, clever.

As I mentioned I was reading through my writings from college. I find myself just staring at them a little. I want to write more. I find myself struggling with expressing the images in my head. They are beautiful, and breath taking. Vivid and enthralling. Sometimes, they are just scary. Mostly… mostly just beautiful. Sometimes i read what I write and I try to remember what I was feeling, but can’t. 🙁 It’s sad for me. I want to recapture things like that… I was very depressed in high school, but I had passion. I felt like the sun was on the horizon, that the darkest hour was right before dawn.

Now I feel like I’ve shut myself in the closet and shut out the light. On many, very real levels, I hate myself. I do not think I deserve things. I don’t deserve to be happy. I am a thing to make people happy. I literally do not consider myself to be human. I dont’ know why… I don’t know why I’m like this. But it’s damaging. It’s a horrible way to live, it’s a horrible way to think. I feel like by not saying it for so long I’ve allowed myself to really believe it. Why i’ve deprived myself of so much. I have been thinking myself a healthy person when I’m not. No worries my friends and family. I am currently on medication, that clearly (unfortunately) is not working well, but monday I”ll discuss it with the doctor, and we’ll try again. I do not believe that depression is something to be ashamed of. I am always saddened when I find out someone has been silently struggling. I want to help people, I want people to see me and know I’ve been there too. Feeling like there is NO reason to be sad, but still hopelessly sinking into a dark hole. Wishing you were dead, just so you wouldn’t have to feel like this anymore. I have been (and I am) Suffering from a Major Depressive Episode. It is HARD for me to be out there, but the fact is, i don’t have anyone to pull me out like I did in High School. As much as my husband loves me (and he does) he cannot spend every minute of the day plotting on how to cheer me up. I know my mom worked really hard when I was in high school, trying to keep me on an even kilter. It was rough on her. I’m sure of it. I had good friends that helped her too. I feel sad that I’ve regressed so much to that girl.  In some ways, I am worse. Luckily for me, I haven’t thrown up from the stress, which I did in High school a couple of times. I miss the luxury of being a teenager. When you could just shut the world out. Go home and stay in your room and cry if you wanted to. Funny thing, you can’t do that when you’re an adult. You cant’ just say “Sorry I’m not coming to work today, or for the next week. I’m going to sit in my bed and eat food until I feel better, or until my skin becomes part of my sheets. Don’t dare me, I’ll do it.” Or for that matter, stay in bed because you feel so catatonic that the idea of talking to anyone at all seems impossible.

New to this bout of depression is Paranoia. (Funny Enough, Flag Pole Sitta is playing in the background right now) I’ve been… attentive before to protecting myself. But I have paranoid delusions. That people are talking about me. That people want to kill me, even people I should trust. Scott would say I’m being over dramatic. I am not. I fear it. It consumes my thoughts. i think about it a lot more than I would consider natural.

Anyway, going to go to bed. I have a nice weekend laid out for me… whoo!

Derringer Meryl [nice relaxing weekend] Out

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