
What I Love To Do

I went to school today, and actually got something worthwhile accomplished too. I have all of the cards that we (Scott and I) got from Bed Bath and Beyond filled out with our names on it. (His first, since that’s how we’re registered) and I only messed up once! I’m really proud to say that’s done and out of the way.

Our invites are mocked up. THey need a few finishing touches to be complete, but we’re getting really close. I got my session for the temple scheduled (wahoo) for the Fourth of June. I’m sorta nervous about this. It feels like …


and i’m a grown up. I mean, I’m getting all these grown up things to worry and think about. An apartment, a GOOD job (lets face it, you know it, i know it, Gamestop sucks monkey butt) and it’s just something i’ve been thinking a lot about lately. That and school. Scott says it’ll be a while until i get to go back to school. I think it’s fine. I think some time away from school will help me appreciate it. Right now, I dont’ know what i want to do. I think it’s a waste of money that i’m going– because it’s not going towards anything. Not general education or anything. Just random classes that sounded good. :S The thing is (I know Scott’ll try to contest this, and maybe The Specialist) I’m not good at anything. I mean, i can’t remember ONE time in my whole life that The Specialist wasn’t insanely brilliant. I mean, he’s always known stuff, always been a really good speaker, very eloquent, and a good speller (I remember him winning the spelling bee, one of my first memories) He’s just always been smart. Always. Sure, everyone messes up, or is wrong sometimes, but he’s always been brilliant.

The thing behind it, I think, is passion (I happen to be insane about passion at the moment, and the lack there of) The Specialist has this passion for computers. He loves it. He loves knowing things about them. He knows so much about them, that I think my brain might explode just trying to comprehend how much he knows…. Scott has the same thing. He knows stuff about computers. He knows which processors do what. He loves knowing stuff about computers. Loves knowing stuff that other people don’t. I don’t have that. I don’t have the passion to learn. I remember the one thing that I used to be passionate about learning about was Mythology, but It got to the point where I couldn’t focus anymore. It just kinda went away. I know SOME stuff about computers, but just enough to make an old person feel stupid (with the exception of my mom, who I swear has now surpassed me in computer knowledge.) I love to write. I’m passionate about my writing…. but that’s not something you can get a grown up job with. Not really. I mean, I could pull a JK Rowling and write something amazing on coffee napkin, but in the end, I’ll probably end up more like Emily Dickinson, who wrote her whole life, but no one liked it until she was dead… (Makes me kinda wish I was dead sometimes… in a non suicidal way.)

I’m passionate (or maybe anal is a better word) about being neat. Looking at my computer desk and bedroom, you’d think i was a big fat liar. But if you take a look into my filing cabinet you’ll see that all my essays from my AP American History class are in order with a front sheet saying what grade I got on each, what the essay prompt was, and then the average for the scores. (adding all the scores up, dividing them by the number of scores…etc) I did it for my English Class too. I love doing that.

Is there a job like that? Where you take things and organize them? I love putting things in order. THe thing is, with my room, not everything can be alphabetized and put in order, so that’s why it’s running amuck. But my magazines are in groups of fashion and gaming (what an odd combo, right?) and then the magazine title Specifically (and alphabetically) then by date issued. 🙂 I’m a freak. I know. I love it. I love that.

Seriously….. Is there a job where you just clean and organize like that?

Derringer Meryl [Finding her Passion] Out

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This is a new experience i dont need

I’m juvenile when I’m ill, or upset.

I had a bad dream yesterday morning. It shook me pretty bad. I had a panic attack and the things I could usually handle, I couldn’t anymore. (like going out in public…) I have this fear of people. Now I know the general populous isn’t out to get me, but when i’m in panic attack mode, they are. Every last one person who isn’t in my little circle (Scott, Family, and a few friends) are out to get me. I was in the fetal position on my recliner in my front room. I wasn’t feeling so swell.

I had wound down quite a bit by the time when Scott and I got to talk.

Anyway. Before you ask, I don’t want to talk about my dream. I can almost guarantee you weren’t a part of it. If i told you WHAT happened in it, you’d regret ever knowing as the experience would rip any sort of innocence you have in your body away. (I don’t care to share that experience) You’re not gonna know. I’m not gunna tell you. I won’t tell mom, I won’t tell dad, i won’t tell Scott. Sorry. No. I can guarantee you, you dont’ want to know. So leave it be.

Derringer Meryl [Disturbed] Out

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Telling the truth in nowheresville

Scott’s sick…. Poor Kid… He really should be at home asleep. Seeings as how he’s diabetic and his immune system is more sensitive and what not. He needs more sleep than the average bear to get better. I’ve been trying to do better about keeping him at home lately.

And then his friends ask him to go play D&D. I love D&D, it’s fun to do and you get to act all in whacky ways you couldn’t in real life. Still. It runs late and he’s already sick. I like healthy fiancee’s. Not sick ones. (I mean, I still love him and what not… but he’s sick and should be at home sleeping.

It makes me very VERY angry that Mandarin would do something like ask him to play when he’s sick. They know him better than I do, and they know that when he’s sick he should be sleeping. All he’s going to be doing AT D&D is sleeping until they need him and then waking him up to help out.

Good Grief. I worry SO Much about his health. It’s scary for me. I know how easily diabetics get sick (my mom is one) it’s scary for me because I love him so much, and i worry that he’ll get really sick.

I guess it’s selfish for me to love him this much.

Derringer Meryl [Cover Up] Out

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finals are not my friends. while i technically only have like… one final, i have what my loving teachers call “final projects” or “portfolios” and it’s horrid. *gags*

One on monday.

One on Wednesday

One on thursday.

One on Tuesday (a week later)

Sure, it doesn’t sound so bad, but i’m freaking out like there’s no tomorrow, and what not. So– don’t expect many updates. I’m crammin’, trying to find an affordable apartment and a good job. 😛

Derringer Meryl [Fixin’ my nails right now] Out

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I hate pants jeans and capris

Today Scott and I are going clothes shopping. It’s a new experience because no one but my mom has ever gone clothes shopping with me, and so no one knows how really picky I am but me.

I hate clothes shopping. I mean…. Okay, i love it, but it’s a sincere love hate relationship. I love the clothes, they hate my body. Especially jeans. I hate shopping for jeans because nothing ever fits. After visiting fifteen stores TRYING to find good jeans that fit, and getting super frustrated in the process, I get really depressed. This is the area I attribute most of my poor self image to come from. I don’t fit in the sizes two to eight category (and I never have, I can guarantee) and I feel fat and gargantuan. Every pair of jeans (cept my trusty Japan jeans) clings to my body and I hate that. It’s like painting on cloth and saying I’m wearing clothes. If i was comfortable enough with my body to wear nothing, I would wear the stupid skin tight jeans.

I’m not comfortable with my body, and ihave to wear a pair. I’m wearing them right now.

I hate these jeans with a passion. Now, the brand is great, i love the store I got them from (mostly because it was the first place ALL day I had found jeans that fit me. as in went up past my thighs fit me.) The thing is, they’re like super low rider jeans, which I hate, and they aren’t long enough because I didn’t realize this brand of jeans came in short, medium and long in addition to the size…. and they’re tight, as I mentioned before. Very very tight. :-S I hate it.I HATE IT SO MUCH!

So, Poor Scott, doesn’t know what he’s getting into by wanting to go find matching outfits (ish) for our engagement pictures.

Oh, and I don’t wear shorts. that just does NOT happen with me. All girls shorts are hot pants. All of them. I do not wear them. I do not wear capris. I’m white as the day is long, and I have disgusting fat legs. i hate them too. :{

Derringer Meryl [Shirts I can find and wear] Out

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