
Hormones aren’t BAD, letting them contol you IS!


Okay, it’s not really that. I’m just really really having an excellent day. Uber great. Honest. The Mouth was nice, Gert was charming, and even Monkey got in on the making me happy action….

That could be misconstrued, but i didn’t mean it THAT way. *sighs* Nope. Sure, there was poking fun (where we play a game of poking tag, that’s pretty much it.) and he attempted to do… *coughs oddly* Um– Stuff to my spine… I resisted. *bats away the bad Monkey thoughts* No more! We’re just friends! *Leers at her brain* No more bad thoughts, *mutters something about monkey* Got it brain? Good.

I haven’t been feeling swell. Got Morning sickness (in the strictest sense that i’m sick in the morning, DUH! I’m not some slut girl, okay? Sheesh) I get all on nerves when i’m around Gert, and giggle like a freakish mad-woman. I guess i can’t help how cute he is, and how he acts– 🙂 Right??

*brain does things* Stop IT! I said no more of that, OKAY? Sheesh. Just when you think you have a hold of your brain, you don’t — at all. Meh, Who am I kidding. I have no control over my brain at all. *nods* It’s quite… frustrating.

I got a new addition to my name tag at work (it was feeling lonely at the absence of Monkey’s ring (friendship ring, thanks….)) It’s a little sign that says “Hot” and then beneath that it says “Really Hot Chick, Alright, Giggidy Giggidy!” It’s pretty awesome, and I got it from the Mouth, to add to the shock value, right? I put a similar sticker on Monkey (like actually ON him, his shirt to be exact.)

Ya know, before, like a few months ago, i would have been thinking “Where does this put us? What is going on between us? Does he like me? Does he want to be my boyfriend??” and honestly, that kind of stuff begins to wear and tear at your mind– so now I don’t think about that. Or anything. I go for the funny. it’s funny to poke Monkey and the Mouth. It’s just fun to hear them make noises, or react… 🙂 I like it.

I’m still scared as of yet to poke Gert. I’m a chicken, I’m scared, so there.

Oi– But Gert and Monkey wear the same cologne… and it drives me insane.

Derringer Meryl [Giggidy Giggidy!] Out

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My foot falls apart

Still Gimpy… and I now get to experience three hours of standing. just standing, and talking and helping annoying people get their fetching video games.

I no likie this idea. Bad bad idea.

Derringer Meryl [Chronological Order] Out

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Rhymes with Burt….

I’m all laid up right here… that is to say, I can move about the house as easily… at all. I got some warts frozen off of my foot…. and it sorta sucks… I got new slippers and a new pair of Nightmare before Christmas Socks though… so that’s a happy. 🙂

I’ve jsut been spending today thinking, and wondering, and moving my little brain forward, instead of back… because back is counter productive, right?

something that i’ve noticed is that all good writers are liars. Exaggerators, whatever. I mean, you take the truth, and then you make it a drama. A really big horrible, earth shattering drama. Maybe that’s why I used to have a therapist, because i can’t seem to control the need to lie and it gets me into trouble. I don’t lie about stuff that matters… like stealing (never done it, won’t ever do it.) or emotions. I don’t exaggerate on any emotion except pain. (Not like ow… my foot, but like, you rat monger, you broke my heart! type pain) I tend to go for the guilt. I’m a bad girl. But ya know, i’m always willing to guilt myself into feeling bad… .so i’m an equal opportunity guilt person…. okay?

*sighs* Right. But I do, exaggerate a lot. Never about love, or those type feelings. But about situations. I never quite get the words right, and i tend to make people sound cooler than they are. Insert a few words into their mouth. I listen to what people say, and think of fifty other ways to say it, that could sound better, dirtier, or more sympathetic. I love the English Language.

And If you dont’ mind, i have to go crawl back up the stairs, so I can sleep…. and hopefully remember my dreams– because i’d like to know who i dream about. … maybe.

Derringer Meryl [Dreaming of ….?] Out

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Except — You.

I have to hate you for the little things…..

…… or i’ll love you for the big things

Honest to God. I’m going out of my mind here. Off my rocker, a few cookies short of a batch–

and i’ve obviously spent one too many years in my house– thinking about things–

Oh, and i’ve gotten into this vertigo thing. The dizzy for no reason– yeah. It’s a great thing, i’m enjoying it, immensely. *sighs* right, sleeping, good thing– sleep me now, yes?

Why can’t I love you?

Derringer Meryl [everything in my way] Out

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Meandering Thought Pattern….. Here— there

What can I say, i’m a funny girl.

After spending a while on my feet (four hours, and i hurt … mostly in my arm joints, go figure that one) i’ve had alittle while to think. And if there’s one thing I know, it’s this:

Ben and Jerry’s DOES NOT Belong in a freezer! It’s meant to be eaten and enjoyed…. instead Monkey left it at work. (oops! on his part)

Along with that I’ve also realized that…. well, I don’t enjoy liking two people at once, and i also don’t particularly enjoy people who buy something, return it, buy something with the return money, and return that, and buy another new game…. all in the matter of like three hours. Go figure.

I took my collages to work, I wanted to show Friendjamin, but he didn’t work today. *frown* And My mom forgot to call the doctor so I can get rid of my friendly friends on my foot. (waves to her warts) I hate them, they are SO embarrassing. *growls* anyway.

There isn’t much to say, Marco doesn’t work today, and I’m exhausted, but happy–

Silent Hill 3 comes out tomorrow. More crazy stab-y death fun! Wahoo! (No, actually for once in my life, i’m serious.)

If you’ve come over here looking for a response to Red’s meandering thought pattern on my mother– Well…. I love my mum. I don’t know why she doesn’t love Red– but I think my mom thinks she’s just protecting me. *shrugs* I don’t live in her brain, so that’s just a guess.

Derringer Meryl [You should go and get the B&J] Out

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