
Such an odd combination

New links up, nice eh? I thought so. *nods* added one for Antigone, who is the specialist’s wife. He calls himself “theorb77” so don’t get all scared, it’s the same person, I just call him something else here. 🙂 cause of the ever so good line from FMP “I’m not an Otaku, I’m a specialist!” which is what he is. He seems like a dork, who thinks he knows everything…. (I’m going to get beat on later for this) but he’s really smart, and does know a lot of things. It’s like he can forsee the future, which makes me wonder if he has some kind of contract with the devil…. heh. I’m so getting bruised tomorrow. Sad….

Tomorrow’s thanksgiving. Which reminds me of my random encounter today at the sev. (Which, for those of you who don’t speak dorkish, is the seven eleven.) This guy, and his mullet wearing child, turn and stare at me, like they’ve never seen someone like me before. Since i’m white, and have brown hair and brown eyes, I honestly Do NOT know how they could NOT have seen someone like me before, but i suppose it’s more of a saying than anything else…. anyway, they stare and nod at me for a few mintues… after debating whether i should tell him to take a picture and turn around — or just be polite, i land of course on the more logical “Be Polite” reaction, and thus smiled back. the Man asked if I was ready for the oncoming holiday. I continued to grin at the idiot who was grinning at me, and responded that I was ready. He said he was going to gain at least five pounds tomorrow. I simply smiled and waited for him to pay for his gas, so I could pay for my hot chocolate.

My mom says he was flirting with me. It seemed to me like a casual, but annoying, conversation, not flirting. Like when my dad starts talking to the clerk at the grocery store, and you can see their smile tighten as he rambles on about the price of broccoli or some such crap.

But, true to retail form, they remain polite.

Which reminds me again, i have work early on Friday. How fun. 🙂 Day after Thanksgiving Massacre, i’m sure it’ll be just as bad at our store. We’re having a sale, buy two used get one free. I’m grateful, maybe we’ll clear out some of the titles that are overflowing our Used sections. We’re ready for Christmas. 🙂 I am. I’m ready to get it over with…. *sighs* I’m SO ready. and of course, three days after Christmas, is my birthday…. Merylmas (Laughs, I think not) and I’ll be happy, and also nineteen. It’s great. It’s funny no matter how old I get, I still feel like a five year old. Great, isn’t it? I thought so *sighs*

I’m still debating with myself what to get people for Christmas. Whether I should be distant and aloof, or tender and warm (also known as OVERLY CLINGY) is totally up in the air. I also found a book today, that I’m not sure if I should get Gert or not. It’s Tony Bennett, Maybe I’ll write Friendjamin an email and ask him what he thinks. *shrugs* and i found a moose that i’m going to get Artemis. 🙂 I’m so happy!

Derringer Meryl [Giddy and confused] Out

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