
One Old Fashioned please– oh, and um– hold the liquor, kay?

2003-10-17 – 12:35 a.m.

You ever have those days where nothing PARTICULARLY sucks, but the day in a whole puts you into a funk. Like the fact that the perfect guy (personality wise) sits before, em and i just long for him to kiss me, or to show some interest, Or SOMETHING– anything– and then there’s my religion. I’ve said it once, i’ll say it again– i love my religion. I honest to God do…. it’s just a bit of a downer sometimes to say “He’s the perfect guy, but he isn’t LDS.” Friendjamin says I shouldn’t limit myself to a specific religion. But if there’s one thing i’ve learned in watching relationships crumble and wither and die– and such– that big things like religion, or kids, or money, usually causes the shit to hit the fan. (I’m sure there’s other big things, but i’m just not thinking of it right now.) Oi, think about it. THe first time I was in a serious relationship, he was the right religion, right height, right color of eyes, loved kids, but he was stingy with money. Sure, at the appropriate times, being stingy is okay. I mean, he was STINGY. as in he never paid for ONE date the entire time we were together.

Lets see, who was there after that… Oh. J-bob. We weren’t really ever together, but he’s the one who pulled me out of my sullen mess over the first one, so while it wasn’t an active relationship in the romantic, “we’re SO dating’ sense, it’s more of a — i liked him. A LOT. (Ahem, i still do.) And he was the right height, and he had this smile, and the sense of humor, and these dimples, and it just made you mushy. ‘Scuse me, it made ME mushy. Still does. I keep getting caught on the fact that he isn’t LDS. In fact, he’s very rebellious against the whole damn religion thing. He drinks, he likes pr0n, and i’m horribly in love with him. It’s like some sort of horrid thing where we torture (or I torture, whatever) myself by returning to see him, and i wish i could be that kind of person for him…. but that’s not a line i’m willing to cross. I’m just not.

Then, there’s Monkey. In the beginning, we hated each other, faught like friggin’ cats and dogs. But I always secretly liked him. He is LDS, but doesn’t go. He’s the right height, right smile, right words, …. wrong me. I guess. I can’t honestly place what was wrong with us. If there was an us. I’m a little hazy about that. But we’re still friends today. Mostly. I know i bash him about a bit in here. I really shouldn’t, and i feel pretty shitty about it afterwards. He’s an awesome guy, he does nifty things. He says the right things, at all the right times… *falls off her chair* how is it not supposed to make me feel bad that i was the wrong one this time? *raises her eyebrow*

In any case, i’m a disaster waiting to happen. Don’t give up on the things you want in a person, in a significant other. You’ll find it– and they’ll find you. And you’ll be happy. I just hope– that it’s sooner rather than later with me.

Red is coming up tomorrow (huzzah!!!) I have to take her about to meet new Co-workers, and J-Bob…. and basically i want to parade her like a friggin’ trophy. “Hi, My Name is Meryl, and this is my best friend Red, she goes to a real college. None of this Community college crap. Oh, No. She has roommates, and a dorm, and they cook, and she meets new people. *nods* Not like me, who stays at home, and shuns the touch of people.”

Speaking of touching people (smirks easily) dont’ get the wrong idea, this is clean. I thought i might explain why i hate it. WHy I wish it was acceptable to wear gloves 24/7 in society today– because my skin (like my sense of smell) is super sensitive. I hate people brushing up against me, or moving past me too close, and if you’ve ever been to the mall with me at Christmas time, you know what i mean– or if you’ve been to a Debate meet with me. I don’t go check postings. I stay back, I wait for the crowd to disperse– and if i HAVE to be in a large crowd, My arms instinctively lock so my fisted hands are underneath my chin, and my elbows are locked at an acute angle. I’m the type of a girl who reads something into touching. It’s an experience, I guess no one else has taken the time to notice. You can tell what a person does for a job by their hands. My hands are always so smooth and cold. People say “Your hands are so smooth, how did you get them like that?” I respond casually by saying “By doing no work.” And it’s the truth. I have upperclass princess hands. *blinks* I’m straying from the topic. My catchphrase back in the day (when I broke up with my first boyfriend) was “Don’t touch me unless it means something to you.” I’m not a fan of insincere hugs, fish handshakes, groping of any sort, or kissing random people…. Oh. And No Holding my hands. Don’t hold my hands. Don’t touch them. Not my fingers, not the palm, not the wrist. NO! *shakes her head* To me, holding hands is a bond. A promise. Not a forever promise, but a promise that says, I’ll be there. I’ll do what i can to help you through things. and we can do it together.

The idea of holding hands for the sheer thrill of it, or because ‘it’s what i’m supposed to do on a date…’ is shit. Complete, unquestioned, CRAP. You really like a person, and you want to hold their hand, you sure as hell better mean it.

Maybe i’m old fashioned, and a prude, and a freak– but if you felt everything that i felt when someone touches me, you’d want it to mean something too.

Derringer Meryl [Waiting for something– More] Out

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I’m not perfect, but God, Do I try

2003-10-08 – 12:52 a.m.

Okay, i’ve tried to hide it, amid my other shames, but i cannot hide it anymore.

I love sappy romance Novels. I hate it, it’s embarrassing, i know it. Obviously i wouldn’t have hidden it if it wasnt’ so embarrassing to me. My favorite series of all time is the Sea Series, Written By Jean Ferris. She’s [?] an amazing author. (If it’s a guy, thne it’s more amazing, and then one has to wonder, with how well he writes, he must be gayer than all hell.) There are three books in the series, and in the end, the last has to be my favorite (think about it, it’s really the climax of any trilogy) But just so you know the first one is called Into the Wind, Song of the Sea, and Weather the Storm I’m sure that on the outside they look like any other lonely girl special, that is rippling biceps and supple breasts… yada yada yada. Not really. Very action Packed…. with some of that yummy guy imagery (since it is written from the girl’s POV, she very rarely, if ever, refers to her breasts or anything like that….) so yeah.

Here’s the basic layout. The guy who rescues her is a complete JERK (I wanted to put another word there, but prudence tells me not to…) he sets her workplace on fire, kills her dad, and *cough* rescues her from her dull life. Sure she’s gotten into something more exciting, but sheesh. … To complicate things, she, like most girls, falls in love with the freakish jerk. (Don’t get me wrong, he’s one foxy good kissin’ freakish jerk, but jerk all the same. we can’t ignore that fact.) I mostly get to read the second book (it’s fairly awesome) but while it has more action than the last, it’s certainly not as happy.

*shifty eyes* This is where it gets sad, i have to admit that I, the high and mighty AP English student, has been reading these for quite a while. *coughs* it gets worse, these books are intended for ninth graders, and considering i’m a freshman in college, it makes me sound– really really uber pathetic. *frowns* but it’s like a tradition. I read these books through my first messy break up (and yeah, it was messy because i cling. I admit that.) and so i just want to get my own copies so i can read them through all my future break ups, and then someday give them to my daughter so she can read them through her break ups.

I was watching Inu Yasha again. I know, again with the crazy, but it’s like a romance movie in action. Girl loves Dog Boy, Dog boy loves girl, Dog Boy and Girl believe they are betrayed by one another, Girl dies, girl gets re-incarnated into very pretty girl, Pretty girl enters Dog Boy’s Life, Dog Boy is confused but slightly turned on. *shrugs* See, Drama. I enjoy it. ANyway, they were talking about how it was shameful how Inu Yasha (Dog Boy) and Kikyo (girl) had fallen in love, which reminded me of the saying…

You don’t choose who you fall in love with — you just fall.

which for those of you who are keeping score is from my *coughs* Mexico story I was reading at school that one time. *winks* Love is Love, no matter how you look at it. It isn’t always healthy. It isn’t always right, but it’s always love. (Becareful, Lust looks a lot like it, just — hussied up a little, ya know?)

*sweatdrop* Have you ever tried to get something out of your mind, some… *shakes her head* and it just won’t get out? Like take a song for instance, you just think of another song, right? But what if you don’t want to. You love that song being stuck in your head…. Like on Friday I had only one portion of The Postal Service’s, Nothing Better, stuck in my head, all day. I’m not even joking. I had my CD player, and I considered turning it on, listening to some tunes, and getting it out, by any means possible, but it just occurred to me, that i like it there.

and i guess if i like something being stuck in my head, i should probably shut the hell up about it, ne? *smirks* I’ll just have to remember that. won’t i?

I trust everyone. It’s the devil inside the person I don’t trust

Derringer Meryl [ignoring the devil] Out

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Tumblin’ tumble weeds

Got a great compliment. One that makes me think… THings. I got it from Gert, who is a prince among toads of guys. Sure sometimes he’s a little whacky and what not, but …

he sure knows what to say to a sad girl. Maybe it’s practice. seen a lot of sad girls in his day, but i was complaining about Monkey, because it fills up the dead space between ligitamate conversastions…. and he says to me, Gert says:

“Monkey just doesn’t know a good thing when he sees it. He will someday, but it’ll probably be too late.”

*blushie blush*

I’m not a big fan of the “I like fifty guys at once” Thing, because I find seriously being attracted to more than one guy usually leads to unfaithfulness. (I mean not just “Oh He’s cute. I mean, like the “DAMN, i want to sleep with him” idea.) But i’m stuck. I’m finding myself falling into a camp of i really like one guy, but another guy I like is … more… i wouldn’t say ready, but… willing, i guess. So Now I’m supposing which one to choose. The guy who seems interested, or the guy who just wants me as a friend. What the hell kind of choice is that?!?! Not much of one. Logic demands that i move on– but part of me clings to a last thread of hope, that I should probably toss into the gutter with the rest of my dreams … *shrugs*

Contemplation… Anyway tonight’s lyric spew is from Sense Field, I Refuse It’s an excellent song. I love it to pieces, and i’ve been looking for it for a while. Thank God for In Station Recordings.

Don’t say that you know me

You never knew the first thing at all

Still you should have told me

Took everything and selling it off

These holes in your stories

As many as theres holes in the wall

You told me that you like the old me

Cause the new me is telling you:

I refuse to fit into this lame idea you’ve always had for me

I don’t want to be what you want me to be

You complain because i’m not the same

I won’t be missing the place that I came

I know that its risky but all bets are off

This is my life so whatever the cost

If i’m lost would you hold it against me?

Make me pay for every step of the way?

I know that you’ve already told me

You don’t like the new me at all

You told me that you missed the old me

When I couldn’t be happy

And I refuse to fit into this lame idea you’ve always had for me

I’m not gonna be what you want me to be

And I refuse, i’m not gonna be what you want to be

I know that you’ve already told me

You don’t like the new me at all

You told me that you used to know me

You really never knew me at all

But all the change is a good thing

I’ll see for myself

The change is a good thing

Spelling it out

Change is a good thing

Can see for myself

Change is a good thing

Don’t say that you know me

You never knew the first thing at all

Still you should have told me

Took everything and selling it off

I refuse to fit into this lame idea

I refuse

I refuse to fit into this lame idea you’ve always had for me

I’m not gonna be what you want me to be

Derringer Meryl [I f*ckin’ Hate Me] Out

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SHHHHH, it’s a secret!

Yeah, I went in and talked to the guy formally known as “HIM” (well he isn’t anymore because, he just doesn’t seem to make me feel the way he did once…. or maybe it’s because I’ve decided that i wasn’t happy torturing myself because I couldn’t have “HIM”, in any case, he’s just J-Bob now.) He’s still the same cutie he always was. But despite how cute and warm and fuzzy he makes me feel–

i’ve always been more of a one man woman…. I think that’s how I’m supposed to say it. I do miss talking J-bob on tuesdays while we worked. He was always SO nice to me. Kept me sorta… evened out.

*smirks* He loves kids and has these little dimples… and…


People say absence makes the heart grow fonder– i think it just makes the heart grow more bitter. Like me? yeah. I spend time away from people I enjoy, and I get …. i was going to say angry– but my therapist says Anger is a secondary emotion and that you feel something before anger …. always.

i feel… sad. I miss people. some people make me feel happy.

some people like monkey. and then they don’t ever hang out unless red is around, and then I miss them… *shifty eyes* Right. This is a time where me not talking should happen.

Derringer Meryl [zipping it] Out

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It’s me. I always knew it was me.

Okay– This is too important not to post about.

(To Read the whole thing go Here)

They fear intimacy, yet – self-contradicting – have an intense fear of being alone or abandoned.

That’s like uber hello, ME!

I’m frustrated and angry, Why didnt’ my therapist in the first place tell me I was this type? They knew, they had to know. How could they not? I specifically told them “I love people, but i’m scared of them….” And no one cares. None of them

And every time I get a friend… I’m like the little girl in preschool She says “I’m sorry” and holds her friend really tight, and smiles at her, and then PUSHES her away, hard. So that the little friend goes scooting across the floor, the process continues…

Signs that you may be a codependent Abuser

Constantly seek approval and affirmation from your mate, having no sense of self identity outside a relationship

Inability to feel comfortable when alone

Feelings of being different or not like others

Confusion, or a deep sense of inadequacy

Feeling either totally responsible or completely without blame

Extreme dependency on your mate, and an intense fear of abandonment

Unyielding and in need of constant control over all aspects of the relationship

Extremely low self esteem and may be very self-critical

Difficulty in developing or sustaining meaningful relationships. Long line of failed relationships of which the codependent believes the other partner was always to blame

Lies for no reason. Creates a ‘false self’ that the outside world sees

Denies or refuses to recognize that his actions are not ‘normal’ behaviors

Denies feelings of fear, insecurity, inadequacy, guilt, hurt, or shame with self

Gets bored easily, needs to feel excitement

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