
You didn’t get the hang of it

I love those people who love to tell you ‘Money is the root of all that kills’ they have never been poor, they have never had the joy of a welfare Christmas

Yeah, I have to agree, money sucks the big one. I mean it. I have none. I mean I have the total of eighty-bucks to my name. That’s it. I’m sorta glad I ended up with like three shifts this week at work, but it sorta makes a person tired. makes em want to do something with their friends–

and when their friends– well. Screw talking in metaphors. I feel like hanging out with my friends. But like the freak I am, I don’t want to call them. *rolls her eyes* In general– i want to do stuff, but see, stuff takes money– money I don’t have, or should be saving for college. Every cent i have from NOW until January 12 has to be saved. Every Last one. I’m SO Friggin’ serious. My presents will probably consist of IOU slips reading “I owe you One damn nice present.”

And I”ll have to print a bunch of them. To Monkey, Red, Mum, Dad, my sibs, and the lot. (I mean, you gots to get the sibs rugrats soemthing. Maybe a razor to chew on, jolly good idea!) *smirks* I’m sure I’ll be ending up spending any time I’m not whoring myself on state street, making this year’s presents. *laughs to herself*

Holders for your pot ALL AROUND! Yeah, right. You can’t make something out of nothing– luckily my mom stockpiled a whole crap load of fabric in our basement. Sure some of it may be from the early seventies, but hey, that stuff doesn’t go bad, right?

*nods* well, anyway, every scrap of money I’m going to see for a long time is going to the college. Sad, isn’t it? I’m going to be paying monkey’s wages! *laughs to herself* right, so that wasn’t that funny. *shrugs* whatever.

Red went on a date with this miswashed cretin who gave her flowers. Roses I think she said. Makes me want to gag. Just shows I couldnt find a normal nice romantic guy if he kicked me in the gut. (That is, if he found me…. i’m too scary for a sensitive guy like that to stick around too long.) I’m like some sort of insane cancer to guys. they run. Alot. and the ones who don’t– well they’re just scary. I’m serious, and that coming from someone who considers herself scary… is a statement.

Take the guy who I took to Senior Ball. First off — it was a mistake. I had a dress and the guys I wanted to go with couldn’t go because they were working– or one of them was [monkey] and the other one decided to eat my heart en flambe and so— *shudders* I went with Staples. Yes, his online diary nickname is staples. I got it from my boss, because his whole family knows this guy by the name staples… it’s a story in and of itself. Anyway, we went– and i had a horrid time. It was like taking my brother to the last dance of the year, and ….blah. it sucked ALOT!!! *grumbles* I mean, sure, it looked [to the average bear] that i was on a date. Me, I was out to a dance with Red, and our dates– were disgusting in every sense of the term.

Blah. Only if Monkey Could have taken me. …. i might have had a good time. *shudders at the memories*

Anyway– this guy is still interested. Immensely, and once again Monkey is my savior by lying to him and telling him that we’re still going out. (Were we ever? *shrugs* This is out of it Staples is.) Anyway, It defers him, happily for me. And so *shrugs* i’m happy and safe from the scary pick up lines of staples.

Now. the confusing thing (and for the first time in a while, It’s not monkey i’m confused about) it’s Gert. For those of you who are unawares– Gert is my manager, and a man. Sure, his online nickname may portray otherwise, but it was the easiest thing I could come up with– considering it’s almost his initials.

From Near January on– Gert has confused me to NO end. And part of me is almost tempted to quit just to see what he’d do if I did. Monkey is always trying to convince me that there is nothing to the inner workings of the male mind– but considering the fact that there are no inner workings to mine… it’s complicated to understand anything.

*shrugs* I’m going to have Eighties shoulders if I keep shrugging like this. Oh well.

Lets wrap this up in a summary: Money SUCKS, Red found a keeper…. sorta, guys are only clingy to me when they’re nutz, and My boss confuses me– Mixed signals SUCK!!!

I thought i’d add that in.

Derringer Meryl [when our lips first met] Out

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