

A friend of mine passed this week. it seems to bring back the flood of people I know who have passed on. I think of each of them and grieve a little bit more. It’s like adding a little bit of weight on to my emotional back. I miss him.

we used to sit at our desks and look out the window at funerals. We could see them. I saw the tent they set up if it was raining, or too hot, or for fun I guess? it seemed to announce that someone had died. So sad.

I have been thinking extensively that if the world stopped every time someone died, we would never get anything done. which is good. I guess. I found out Wednesday, I felt mostly fine Thursday, I feel like I’m wading into treacherous water today. about to go off the deep end.

why did you leave us jeremy? We miss you. We are missing you. it might be a long time before I see you again. But I will. So I guess I’ll just have to wait.

Derringer Meryl [Good Bye Funny Man] Out

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