
Thinking Thinking Thinking

So I am a planner. I like to have things work in my orderly way. Which makes having a c-section really good in a lot of ways (haha, I went like five words without talking about the baby! AHAHAHA!) because i know exactly what day I’m going in and having a baby. Or at least I will. Once I get to the point where I can schedule that. I need to ask my doctor “Oh hey when am I scheduling that?” tomorrow. I wish I could know right now. LOL. But It has started to occur to me that unlike the last time I went to the hospital– this will be quite different.  Before, Scott and I slept restlessly (or at least I did) until the alarm went off, and we drove our car to the hospital and I got all ready for surgery… at 6 am.

This time, we will wake up, get ourselves ready, and hopefully have someplace, or someone to come watch Katie while I go to the hospital and get all ready for surgery. I am planning that I will get her ready before I go. It’s weird though, to think that I have to have a plan in place for her until I go to the hospital. I guess (in thinking about it now) she will at least have DQ here until 10:30, and I’m guessing that DQ will probably just take the day off the day I have the baby…. well maybe LOL. at the very least she’d have someone here for her to scream at.

It’s kind of funny that I often forget that DQ lives with us. It seems like a weird thing to forget, but she is often doing her own thing with our friends, or hanging out with family. She’s pretty dang socially active. LOL.

I think that’s it for now. I cannot believe that it’s almost May, Katie is almost 2, and I am almost a mom x2! WTH?!

Derringer Meryl [Soon to be chorused by MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!] Out

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  • Drama Queen

    LOL–I wouldn’t say it’s so much “socially active” as it is cripplingly codepedent on Dave. *Shakes head*

    Anyway, yeah, I will be taking that day off–you’d be crazy to think I’d be at work when there’s you having a baby going on in the world. 😀

    Comment | April 28, 2009
  • Babies… pfft.

    That is all, carry on.

    Comment | May 1, 2009

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