

There is much crafting going on! I have presents and presents and presents that I’m working on.

I’ve been working on my Tiny niece’s quilt. It was the Specialist’s, and it was ruined a ton… (thanks to me) so I’ve been repairing it. I hope they like it. I’ve tried to give it more girlish touches and still keep it’s charm. I wish I had taken a before picture, but I forgot. I’m Going to take an after, definitely! I’ve just got to tie and bind it, and i’ll be set!

Also YOSHI QUILT! Once I get this quilt done, I can MOVE on it. WHOO WHOO! and work on the toys I’m making too! Christmas! I am going to be making at least two robots, two dogs, a cat and probably a couple of totoro’s 🙂 I’m pleased. The downside on this is that I can’t do it until after the girls have gone to bed. WHY? Because they want to help/cuddle and it makes crafting hard, if not adorable.

Anyway. Back to work. here I go.

Derringer meryl [Happy Crafting Happiness] Out

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The front of my house is lonely….

Lots to catch up on.

DQ’s wedding was beautiful. I didn’t cry as much as i thought… Even when my little damien child decided to throw a glass (LIKE REAL GLASS) off the table and it shattered and cut my foot. Fun times. i got two stitches and an extra day off of work. Whoo whoo!

I have been working really hard to keep my medicine at an even keel so that I wouldn’t have a huge break down after she left. I think people probably think I’m ridiculous. DQ is my best girl friend. I would do just about anything for her if she asked me to. Seriously. I felt SUPER bad that I had to miss so much of her reception because of my foot, and was really disappointed, but there wasn’t much to do. I am Very glad that her hubby came along and they found each other. I’m so glad she’s happy now. Sure, I’m a bit sad… I miss having someone to hang out with, but I think in a lot of ways, things will be better this way.

In other news:

I’m baby free tonight. whoo whoo. Thanks Lorna. I super appreciate it. Scott super appreciates it. 🙂 We need the time off sometimes. we really run ourselves ragged. We appreciate our awesome families that pull together and help out. My mom and dad took Katie and Audrey when my foot got sliced open so we didn’t have to juggle them at instacare! Scribbles Watched them on Saturday so we could have our date/clean… and Midori (along with Scribbles) came to clean my house today before we all got together for dinner. I love my in laws, I love my family. I feel really blessed!

Derringer meryl [off to bed!] Out

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