it takes a villiage
For sure. I appreciate that over a year (and more, but it’s got intenser over the past year) my family and friends have super duper supported me and Scott. I will go into this more– later, tonight– but really awesome I love you thank you.
(later on…)
Oh yes. Well you see, Scott and I have been working either slightly overlapping schedules, or opposite Schedules for nearly 4 years now. Can I just say it’s ROUGH to do that kind of thing? SUPER ROUGH. And we have a lot of family that has been supportive in helping with the girls when Scott needs some down time. My parents watched Katie after I had Audrey, for nearly two weeks solid. That’s intense stuff. she can be unmanageable!! My mother in law helped watch her while working on and studying for her masters and her LCSW test. My brother in law has helped watch both the girls despite being a youngest child. That stuff is rough. You find out when you have kids (and you’re the youngest) you don’t know NEARLY as much as you thought you did. Carebear and Frik have welcomed the girls into their house MORE times than I can count! Helping during the day while Scott had to work days after getting laid off.
A lot of people have supported us through some not so great times, and some awesome stuff too. We really appreciate you. Thank you for being SO AWESOME and being part of our Kid’s lives.
Derringer Meryl [I really do love you] Out