

I’m at Scott’s house. It’s interesting here. Oh, and it looks like after Scott and I are married, we’ll be living here for a while. I think that’s silly.

I can see through my hands….

Right. Um… sometimes I like to pay attention to the things I’m doing. Two of Scott’s siblings are sick. It’s quite interesting. 🙂 One of them is currently running around like a rabid puppy trying to bite Scott’s sister…. it’s an new experience. I never had any younger siblings, and my experiences with my brothers being rabid puppies are limited to Dax, and Dax alone. 🙂

Just kidding Dax. I love you man!

He’s more of a radio active rabid puppy dog. 😀

Scott and I got to spend some time with Red this past wednesday. I’d like to send out a great big thank you for her not telling any sort of horrible stories. And I’d like to thank God that the horrid pictures that Red once had of me, have either been burned, lost, or will shortly be going to Lafayette with her. 😀

We played a lot of games on Wednesday, and then we had Dinner with our parents (all together, one big dinner event!)

I got my invite list done for this. If you don’t get an invite, it’s because you just didn’t send me your address… and you suck butt.

Derringer Meryl [Scott’s Back!] Out

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new problems cropping up

WAHOO! Entry land. Okay, I’ve been trying to post an entry for the last fifteen minutes. Honest. I”m not completely lazy ya know.

And I update more than once a week like Scott. 😀 Just kidding. I keep him jumping most of the time. I’m a bit of a handful, ya know? I’m always doing something, and thusly dragging Scott with me. Wedding planning is going good.

I GOT MY DRESS! *squeals* I don’t have it with me (at home) it’s getting altered and what not. but it’ll be done in time. I’m so happy. IT means that it’s really getting close now. *smiles*

Lets see.

Um. Right. My OTHER precious is outside. So pretty and Golden. It’s not mine… at all. Or yet or anything. And I don’t need family spazzing out about this, but… Scott and I got a car. Kinda. Maybe. Some kinks need to be worked out. and stuff. I might not have it, Might take it back. Who knows. 🙂

But it’s nice to just look at it and think That’s mine

Scott gets me nice things.

I need to get myself a nice job. Just sent off a resume. Need to find a way to root myself down in American Fork/Orem area without an apartment. *thinks* Maybe… I”ll just go and take the car, and sleep in the car (a la Scott!) Hee hee.

Lots of exciting things are happening. I’m so… very… thin. LIke… not physically thin (duh!) but like Bilbo says in the first movie, he feels like butter that’s been scraped over too much bread. That kind of thin and worn. Like when I sleep, it just isn’t enough.

I got Invader Zim Yesterday! I’m veyr happy. The power was out last night, so I didn’t get to watch it, or type an entry up for in here…. 🙁

I got to go See Van Helsing last night. A lot of people say it sucked. Monkey maintains that it’s a Lion King Ending (with the clouds) and the people at work say the fights rocked (they did!) and the ending sucked (I don’t think so) I think that the ending requires a good grasp on religious aspects to completely understand. I don’t want to give it away, but if you want to understand it, I suggest you pick up the bible and read (Old Testament I do believe)

Or basically take a class in symbolism. 🙂

Derringer Meryl [Basking in Knowledge] Out

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I wouldnt wish this on my enemies

So my arm, my right arm to be exact, is in extreme pain. I haven’t felt this much pain in my arm since I got it popped out of the socket. Yesterday the pain was just in the shoulder, now the pain has oozed its way down to the mid part of my back on the right side, and down into my elbow. Makes it hard to type, and grasp… and… do anything actually.

It hurt to grab the shifter in my car today.

*sighs* here I go with the mixed emotions on my mom coming home. I’m really excited that she’s coming home, and that she’s gonna be back (really excited, I hope she gets home on Friday instead of Saturday.) Her little trips make me appreciate her more every time. I’ve been doing the dishes and stuff, and that’s hard. Very hard. Dax has been trying to help me with stuff, and I appreciate it, but Im just getting exhausted all together.

and Ihave this butt monkey of a cold too. I think it’s a cold. Who knows. Ear ache and Sore throat. Major serious drainage issues down my throat. (Gross, I know) Swallowing causes extreme and utter pain. (Not unlike moving my arm)

I sleep and I sleep and I sleep, and I’m still exhausted. Always. I think because sleeping causes me pain too. I sleep on my shoulder funny, and thus the ouch-ness. I’m gonna go take some Aleve (or however you spell the wonderful fixer upper.)

Derringer Meryl [insane kind of exquisite torture] Out

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telling my whole life with his words

Everyone else is talking about their chinese Zodiac (Sukie and Antigone) and I want to be in with the in crowd, so here I go.

People born in the Year of the Rat are noted for their charm and attraction for the opposite sex. They work hard to achieve their goals, acquire possessions, and are likely to be perfectionists. They are basically thrifty with money. Rat people are easily angered and love to gossip. Their ambitions are big, and they are usually very successful. They are most compatible with people born in the years of the Dragon, Monkey, and Ox.

Scott’s the year of the Dog. I read through the profile and I don’t really think that’s him… but this one about me, seems spot on. I’m a perfectionist. I admit it. If I can’t do it the right way, all the way, then I don’t want to do it at all. It’s not very often I’m willing to compromise my achievements. I’m very thrifty. I like to dream about what i could spend my money on, but i’m usually very hesitant to spend a large amount of money (Large amount read: anything over twenty bucks) I am easily angered, and I love to talk about others. :S it’s a bad thing, I know. I really try to overcome it. 🙁 i’m not a very good example. *smacks her head*

I don’t know how successful I am, I tend to stick by the way side for some things. I want to own my own magazine (like make it and stuff, I own a ton of magazines someone else produced) that’s designed for girl gamers. I don’t think i’ll make it rich off of it… but I”m tired of getting EGM’s (I think it’s them) girls from games in bikini’s issue. I don’t like to look at that. 🙁 Gack.

On a completely unrelated note, i’ve caught myself a nasty little cold. I feel like there’s a horrible little monster poking about in my ear (ear aches are special things) and my throat is horrible. I’ve not had a sore throat this bad since I was in the eighth grade. No joke. My glands are swollen to the point you can see them sticking out of my neck (ouch btw) and they are so tender. 🙁 *sighs*

Today is the day Scott and I normally spend all day together. But it got switched around so that it’s tomorrow he has off. 🙂 I’m done with school (hurrah!) and i’m exhausted. my throat is killing me softly with it’s saw… (hee hee, just kiddin’) In anycase, i’m out.

Derringer Meryl [Killing me softly with his song] Out

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Just a temporary escape

You know how when you try something new that you like and you want to do it more and more?

that’s not always the best reaction ever. Really. It’s bad for you. You could become addicted to it or something… or… um…


It’s been driving me crazy too. Ya know? I feel like a little kid in Primary (if you don’t know what primary is, i’m sorry.) and i want to go and run around and be wild and grab things and play the piano and ask questions. It feels like my brain is running everywhere at once, and yet it all seems to root back to the same place.


I’m beginning to loose my mind…. and Scott’s just regaining his. Blah. We need to time this all better.

Derringer Meryl [36 days?] Out

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