TO DO (update!)
(see Before)
- Boxes in Dining room/Clutter in dining room put away, tossed, or Sent to DI (whatever is appropriate for said item.
- clean out clutter in bedrooms (Katie’s room, CHECK!)
- De-clutter laundry room, figure out some sort of organization to work for the four of us living there LOL
- Unpack boxes in the garage
- find Katie’s old clothes, wash them, and put them in new chest of drawers for Audrey
- get chest of drawers for Audrey
- Find a place for sewing stuff, pref UP from Katie.
- Freeze some pre-made dinners for us for after the baby. Take out or ramen noodles… i can’t live on that like I did last time LOL.
- OK this isn’t house work, but it’s one of Scott’s MAIN duties… Find stuff for me to watch while I nurse at all hours of the night
And then….
- Re-arrange furniture…. (goes hand in hand w/master bedroom declutter)
- big trash haul (all trash OUT)
- Plant my tiny tomato planter for the back yard. I think I might put it up on the swingset, to keep the dogs at bay. Still, Tomatoes. 🙂
- File and sort through old files. I don’t think I need bank statements from 1996 anymore.
I’ll post more as they come to me. I will continuously update my TODO list 😉