
I’m a Punk Rock Prom Queen

Well he looks at me with those innocent eyes….

Why can’t you just pretend to be nice….

I’ve fallen for the songs in Josie and the Pussy Cats that’s where the above song is from. Pretend to be nice

Why can’t people pretend to be nice, that doesn’t make any sense to me why they can’t. Everyone would get along better, and the thing is, if you pretend to be something long enough — It usually comes true.

Nothing but Faux Pas on the romantic front, with the whole being a klutz thing, it happens. I’m trying to just forget about boys– cause I can be nice, but that doesn’t mean I understand them.

Things that are illegal– some of them are silly! Very silly. I mean the whole copyright drivel is silly to the most. My GOSH, I hardly want to buy a CD that has two songs on it that I like! For the love of — Well you kow. Fifteen dollars for two songs is OVER priced. The minute they realize that, then maybe Ill return to buying them.

However I dont’ think forty dollars for a video game is insane. Tons of people worked on that, coded it, took time. Those people need to be paid for the hard work they did, whereas the posh little monkeys who make CDs don’t need my piddly fifteen dollars. Just because it’s going to go to drugs or what not.

At least the Forty dollars will go to a family– or booze.

[Hee hee hee] Sorry the imagination of a Japanese video game coder going out to get plastered– I find humorous.

Derringer Meryl [He looks at me with innocent] Out

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