
Where do we Go from Here?

So so Sad

This isn’t real– But I just wanna feel

Bouncing– Coming back from a relationship (see Rebound)

I don’t bounce. I decided it takes emotions to bounce– Emotions I don’t have.

Like what you ask? What kind of sick demented person doesn’t have emotions?

Me and two fictional characters:

Shadow: Final Fantasy three He commits himself to the life of a ninja, and lives without feeling, pain or love. Like a Jedi–

Buffy: After being dead for a summer, and then digging your way out of your grave you’d be emotionless too.

I was dead for Nine months, I know it sounds like I was pregnant, no that’s the time it took me to recover from my last break up. In a sense It’s even longer, nearly two years now. I can’t believe it.

All I feel is pain– if that. Just– Blahs. Flat emotion, the joys of loving depression.

I just want to breathe

I don’t know what I want anymore.

Derringer Meryl

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