Downer or two– I’m always on one. :S Right. I’m beginning to wonder if anyone from my family that doesn’t live with me even reads this freakish little blog. *shrugs* Or maybe they’re just too polite to say anything about my schizo-psychotic rants.
I’m sure that’s it.
Meh. i’m realizing it’s tuesday, and i’ve done NO new lyric spews for the week. It makes me feel all sorts of bad…. I’ve been busy though. I”m coming up to finals (which sucks majorly. Not passing a class sucks a lot more when you paid for it…. or someone did. Ya know?) and i have a ton of review… and uh… catching up to do. So I really shouldn’t be dawdling by trying to set up Christmas for the house. It’s sad, but if i don’t kick everyone in the pants no Christmas decorations get put up. I feel a little wrong doing it this year. I feel… Like I’ve committed the second worse sin ever known to man. *coughs* So setting up the nativity feels a little odd. I feel like i’m tarnishing everything i touch and then consequently ruining Christmas. …. *sighs* I get melodramatic. Sorry.
Yes, i was discussing the busyness i’m feeling. THen I have to get enrolled in class for next semester. I’m not sure what to do, or anything…. *sighs* I hate it. I hate school… Deeply with the passion of a thousand suns. With the passion of a hundred billion suns.
Okay. I really REALLY hate it, to say the very least.
Right. *sighs*
so i do have a lot to be doing. *sighs* and a lot of stress.
Derringer Meryl [God Grant Me Penance] Out
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