Rambles, nothing particular
In my readings of millions (okay, just lots, okay) fanfictions, and novels as well as novellettes… that one think remains true…..
The meeting of two lovers is possibly the sweetest thing ever. Romantic, heartwarming, and just… one big warm fuzzy. *sighs*
On the other hand, we were talking, for some reason, at work about drinking. Yes as in Alcohol. Before all of you wig, we weren’t drinking. I’ll never EVER drink. I’ve seen the social decay it’s caused in several people who were at one point close to me…. anyway. We were talking about how someone threw up in Gert’s bed, because she wasn’t feeling well and she was lying down there…. i digress… we were theorizing what kind of drunk i would be. A funny drunk, like some people are, an angry drunk, like off an after school special, or a horny drunk…. and I think you know what I mean.
Both Artemis and Gert agreed that i’d be a horny drunk. (mutters) thanks guys. Not that i’d necessarily sleep with people, they added afterwords, that i’d simply be touchy feely. I had to agree. Suppressed tendencies would be … unsuppressed when inebriated….
and i’m a huggy person. Oh yes, but– people dont’ like to be hugged. ANd i don’t like to be hugged just because…. like “Hey you’re a person, wanna hug?” Naw, I’m not like that. Nope.
*sighs* Have you ever just rambled and wished you could stop yourself, but … can’t. like your mouth has a mind of it’s own.
and then you wish you could take it all back— Oh yes…
taking it back would be nice.
Derringer Meryl [Fin for the week]
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