
beginning of the week blues

Oi, fourth time is the charm? Here I am, Beginning of the week, right? Hallelujah. 🙂

I’ve been wondering. How I can be all socially impaired and what not, and hate going out into public, but love social things….

I’m sure i’ve made you VERY Confused….. I have this urge… to throw a party. Except– It’d be really lame to throw a party at my house cause …. well…. i live with my parents… and i’m sorry, that just screams lame party with the parents and the siblings. I mean– my parents buggered off nicely for Wudan’s parties, but I’m thinking they wouldn’t do that so nicely for me. Especially since Wudan screwed a lot of things over for me. It was never directly said by my parents, but I felt like i was on a leash when i went out places, I and I blame him. Cause God knows I’m out late, so I must be having sex with someone that is sure to impregnate me. Not like I can learn from the faults of my older siblings or anything. Nope. I’m going to go out and get drunk, and I’m gonna get pregnant, heck — why don’t i go all the way and become atheist.

Yeah– Right. Because I, like my older sibling, enjoy causing stress on my parents. Yes, It happens to be my favorite activity.

*rolls her eyes* I know I can’t make everyone happy. But I can make two people happy. And making them happy makes me happy. Sometimes one of them doesn’t know what is good for me. Sometimes *coughs* he gets confused, and thinks that what I want is what he wants– and taht I should automatically obey if he doesn’t like someone, then I shouldn’t talk to them anymore. I guess i”m a severe disappointment in that sense. I may not want all the things he wants in terms of an ideal mate for me. Anyway. People think I’m some kind of freak for not being the rebellious teen that everyone is. *waves her hands in the air* Whoopdidoo! Lets see, my oldest brother, he was quiet, and almost didnt’ go on a mission, waited a long time. Then the specialist, he wore his clothes inside out and listened to loud “bad” music (NIN and the Offspring. Death, right?) Dax was a little goth, and really scary, and Wudan. *sighs* Wudan…. stopped going to church. I have to admit, he’s the worst/best when it comes to rebelling against my parents. Sure, the specialist and his wife are having issues now, but I think that’s a “I’m just married recently” thing. I’d like to think so. The death of oppressive parenting…

And me… Well. *blinks*

I joined the debate team. My mom didn’t want me to, because of Wudan (he was on the Debate team…. and thus the rebellion was attributed to it) it was strictly forboden (forbidden) and so– yeah. i did that. I stayed out too late with Red, once or twice. *mutters* and hung out with Monkey that one time– *Coughs* Never mind. Heh.

Moving on.

I guess i’m just on the outside again. I don’t think i’m really– bad. I’ve spent so much of my time being good. I guess that’s not a bad thing to be good, which is the stupid statement of the century– but it makes me feel dull.

I’m dull. I’m duller than dull. If I was a color– i’d be like a pastel yellow. Not even yellow. I’d be a pastel white. I’m that dull. *sighs*

Okay, done with the self pity, on to the Lyric Spew…. Hey Mickey, B-Witched (Other Artists as well)

Oh Mickey you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey

(repeat x5)

Hey Mickey

You’ve been around all night, and that’s a little long

You think you’ve got the right, and I think you got it wrong

But can’t you say goodnite, so you can take me home, Mickey

Cuz when you say you will, it only means you won’t

You’re giving me the chills baby, please baby don’t

And every night you still leave me all alone, Mickey

Oh Mickey what a pity you don’t understand

You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand

Oh Mickey you’re so pretty can’t you understand

It’s guys like you Mickey, oh what you do, Mickey, do Mickey

don’t break my heart Mickey

Hey Mickey

Now when you take me by the, “Who’s ever gonna know”

Every time you move, I let a little more show

It’s something we can use, so don’t say no, Mickey

So come on and give it to me anyway you can

Anyway you wanna do it, I’ll take it like a man

Oh please baby please, don’t leave me in the den, Mickey

Oh Mickey what a pity you don’t understand

You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand

Oh Mickey you’re so pretty can’t you understand

It’s guys like you Mickey, oh what you do, Mickey, do Mickey

don’t break my heart Mickey

Oh Mickey you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey

Oh Mickey you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey

Oh Mickey what a pity you don’t understand

You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand

Oh Mickey you’re so pretty can’t you understand

It’s guys like you Mickey, oh what you do, Mickey, do Mickey

don’t break my heart Mickey

Derringer Meryl [Hey Inu!!] Out

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