
Why Can’t I get MORE?

Once again, it’s a frail-y translated LYRIC SPEW! yeah. So it’s originally Japanese, the Opening song to Full Metal Panic Entitled Tomorrow *smiles wistfully* Here’s to tomorrow. Who knows what it’s going to bring. I hope to have my job, I hope to have all of my family, and I hope to have everything that’s good and right. *raises a glass* Here’s to tOmOrrOw… 🙂

Together we searched for a place to hide

As we ran in the rain

Even if I loose something

There’s one thing I must protect

That’s the meaning of my birth in this world

I’ll go search with you even if it maybe painful

While clinging onto the fresh scenery around us

The prism reflected the orange of

The sunset when the breeze slips through my fingertips

I wish I could devote myself to you so

I want to become more gentle for you

Even if I collect the light which fills this world

Within my pair of hands it’ll light up the darkness

So I won’t get lost as it shines in the long continuous journey.

That’s the meaning of my birth in this world

I’ll go search with you even if it’s painful

While clinging onto the fresh scenery around us

Let’s travel further away

Derringer Meryl [Looking downward to tomorrow] Out

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