
Ya know, ASKING tends to make people happy

ONE MORE WORD! *growls*

If i hear one more word from a certain MAN about who and when and why i get married, i’ll kill him. I’ll just go some kind of berserk, and then i’ll claim insanity because he was attempting to controll my life. Jerk.

So yeah, I’d like to get married in the temple, it’s a special place to me. I want to be sealed to the man i love forever. Hello! C’mon. But the bishop doesn’t ask if you’re a Eagle scout or if you went on a mission because IT’S NOT REQUIRED to get MARRIED!!!! Oi!

Yeah, Most of the time RM’s and Eagle Scouts are nice– but i’ve heard stories of guys who are all of that and are still Jackasses. Hello, ex-boyfriend? Eagle scout. *shrugs* I’m sorry– but those things don’t matter so much to me.

Standards? Religious. I want him to be religious. Preferably my religion. I’ve heard too often that religion breaks up marriages, ya know the differences in practices… etc…. can cause marital unhappiness.

So yeah. Also, i’d like my husband not to be a complete prick– like some other people.

Oh and if anything like “Women should be seen and not heard” EVER spilt out of his mother loving pie hole– he could count on being castrated and put out to pasture.

Derringer Meryl [Femminazi Extrordinare] Out

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