Stop. Look. Listen.
Here’s the thought for the day.
I talk. ALOT. I don’t deny it, I talk alot, sometimes I don’t even know what i’m saying when I speak, as is obvious through the ramblings I place here for the world.
I hide behind my shadows
Until everyone is gone
And when the lights are out
After all the voices cease
I step out on to the stage
To tell the crowd my piece
The fact that I can talk for hours
And never say a thing
What happened to me
The way I’ve been treated
You all have molded me
I went to work last night, and it was like all the passion I have for speaking was gone. I just wanted to listen. I wanted to listen to the dorky elevator music they were playing in the corridors, I wanted to listen to comments as people passed by, I wanted to hear the sound of shoes on the tiles, all of the sounds I never hear when I talk. I wanted to hear someone besides me.
So I listened to him. He talked, and told stories, and wrote silly notes with pictures on them. [Note: If you don’t know who “HIM” is, read previous entries. I don’t use names.] It was nice. Not neccisarily because it was him, but because I listened. The one thing I miss the most about social life is listening.
That’s a funny statement. Makes me sound like a hermit with a keyboard. No. I — I dont’ have a social life because I dedicate my existance to study and work. I suppose I should try harder to just have fun, to hang out. I just needed a break from listening to them all. They seemed to yell all at once and cry out. I couldn’t listen all at once, so I stopped. I miss it now….
But the break was refreshing.
I think I’ve just decided that I love mankind, I think they can do some odd things sometimes, but no matter how much I love them, I have something inside of me that separates me from the ‘norm’
What is the norm you may ask? Well while we all may not be carbon copies of each other and what not, we all have basic capibilities and needs. We as Humans have the basic need for human companionship.
I defy that rule.
I dont’ claim that I don’t need anyone, that would be a lie. I need the people who run this web site, and people in my life day to day, my parents, my family, I need the people who give me books to read, things to study.
It is impossible to live without another Being.
I defy that rule because– I don’t need someone to praise me, and say ‘I love you’ and to tell me it’ll be okay. Not anyone who is currently mortal anyway. I don’t feel compelled to sit in a room with eighty other people and interact. I’d have to say if I was in a room with that many people, I’d watch and listen. After that–
I’d probably leave. Depending on what they said and did.
I get annoyed easily. They shouldnt’ change for me, by no means. I am the odd one. Not them.
Derringer Meryl Out
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