
Little Match Girl


*sighs deeply*

I got passed up for a promotion at work for the guy i trained. *frowns* it wouldn’t be so bad if….

If i weren’t on the outside. THey do things together, when they have free time. I know they do. Some times they forget to not talk about it in front of me, like they try to keep it a secret, so i don’t feel bad, but i know.

i know i’m not a part of them. i know that i am part of the work crew, but i’m not a comrade, or a friend.

i’m nothing more than the jerk that makes them clean the bathroom cause it’s getting gross. I’m not really anything special to them.

Just Meryl.

THey go to movies together, and have inside jokes…

and I know that no matter what i do…

i’ll always be the little match girl.

because I don’t fit. I dont’ fit in where people want me to, or where I want to, or at all. I don’t belong to a group, I can’t be labeled.

The people who are labeled should feel lucky. People may fear their lable, but they fear more the people that they can’t label. I want someone to label me. I just want …..

to belong some place.

Derringer Meryl [unlabeled] out

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