Shenmue II Review, For the gamer in you!
Okay, So I’ve been playing Shenmue II because I’ve heard how great of a game it is, and all that blither blather…..
Can I tell you, it sucks. Now, If you’re into a bunch of really stupid small games held together by a weak story plot that moves as fast as my grandma when it’s cold outside, then this game is for you!
The graphics have no bump-mapping that create a more three-dimension look. The mouths move oddly, not because it’s been dubbed (which I believe it has) it’s because the mouths are always parted, never allowing for genuine looking expressions. The joints look pixelated (like Joy when she gets off the bike, I could swear her legs would walk away and her body would stay there!) There are time restraints on everything, you have to be asleep at eleven, and the temple closes at eight…. You have to earn your money back, complete meaningless tasks, that have no strategies to them, and furthermore…
It’s really dumb to make a game where you aren’t aware of the previous story line. BOO!
I give Shenmue II for the Xbox Four out of ten.
Rag Yo
Derringer Meryl [Never had a date to no school dance, this is for you!] Out
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