
Something Something Wrist pain

I’m writing this against my better thoughts


my wrists are killing me. I hope they don’t succeed. Mostly there has been a lot of writing happening at work, and then i come home and write/game, and it hurts. The last time I went to the doctor  they basically told me to stop doing what caused the pain (writing/work at that point) and I was like “but that’s my job.” and they were like “And?”


it’s a pretty hard thing now days to find a job that doesn’t require some sort of typing. i mean obviously mine does, even doctors use computers now, I’d have to do something… completely out of the ordinary to find a job that doesnt’ use my hands….


Soccer instructor? and i’d only do the feet parts? I dunno. Hands are important. Most of what I do includes them. I can’t imagine as a mom not being able to high five, fix breakfast and lunch, get ready, etc, because my hands were out of commission. The problem for me is .. I get in the zone, and I just goooooooooooooooooo like nuts. I may have to try physical therapy, especially if I want to do nanowrimo again this year.


we’ll see I guess. here’s hoping my hands are horrible and dried up husks by this time next year.


Derringer Meryl {MAH HANDS} Out

1 Comment

  • Mandy

    I just went and bought a wrist brace today, though my problem is tendonitis from texting and picking up babies. 🙂

    Comment | September 9, 2013

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