Not too busy to be pissed
To paraphrase one of my favorite actors… Kevin Smith in reference to Twilight fans:
that’s what I love about [life] … people will stand there in a Spock costume look at someone in a chewy costume and say “look at that f&%*ng geek”. How dare you pass judgment on them.
Seriously. I read a frienemy’s of mine’s blog, and she is EVER constantly bagging on twilight. Ok, we get it, you FETCHIN hate it. Not unlike how you hate me. Grow up! Not everyone can meet your ever growing standard of perfection. Also, if you hate it so bad, why are you following the news for her new book (which I have just learned of, and I am pretty hard core…) like you’re one of the desperate fan girls you hate so badly. Not unlike how you wanted to be watching new moon so that you could make fun of it. Really? Just let go of the harsh cold facade you put up and allow yourself some imperfection once in a while. Maybe you can relax enough to get the shards of glass out of your anus. I figure that’s why you’re so unpleasant all of the time.
I guess I have to say why do people have to be down on stuff all the time/ Like I suppose if twilight was causing major issues in society like, cancer, or people were dying because they had read it and they felt their life was so complete that they had to slice their wrists… But really, it’s just a book. People really like it. Some people like it too much… but who cares? like how is my fanaticism hurting her?
Derringer Meryl [peeved] out
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I agree. I don’t love it as much as you do, but i enjoyed the books even though they were teenish. but i don’t like it when people are negative about it either.
It’s funny that you mention people being down on stuff all the time.
I watched New Moon. I didn’t love it, but it wasn’t painful to watch either. I honestly can’t see why everyone seems to love to hate on it. It’s not my kind of movie, but I didn’t think the story or writing were poorly done. I’ve certainly seen much worse on TV and in Movies especially in the “teen movie” category which is full of fart jokes, bad acting, and asinine dialogue. I’d even go as far as to say that, in it’s genre it’s a very good movie, maybe even a great one; in it’s genre.
I think people just want to hate on it because it’s the popular thing to hate on, or rather; it’s popular and is therefore popular to hate on. Some people define themselves by how “popular” they are and other people define themselves by how much they reject what’s “popular” because they have to belong to their group of geeks, or hipsters, or what have you. Both sides are equally blind to their condition and equally retarded.
It’s funny though, because I feel similarly about Apple as you do about Twilight. There are people who like Apple products, and people who don’t, but for some reason it’s not enough to just be indifferent to it, or even dislike it, people feel like they have to hate it, mock it, look down on it, insult it, etc. This seems to give them validation or a sense of self.
I suppose it boils down to some combination of insecurity, childishness, hypocrisy, and ignorance.
I understand Erik, With me, I don’t like Apple because for 1, it’s trendy. And I dont’ like people thinking that I am just following the crowd. For 2, I’ve used them and I didn’t find them really very user friendly, at least that’s my personal opinion. I can see how some people would like them, and in High School I did want one, mostly because of the “cool” factor, plus I was using one pretty exclusively for the work I was doing at that time. But now, I am just… not interested.