You know what flows here like wine…… stupidity?
I thought I’d post, I usually post after work, and since I can’t sleep, I thought I better.
I ache everywhere. My ankles, my knees, and my poor hips.
I had a good time at work today, dispite how slow it was, I got to work with a lot of people (as in co-worker people) and I got to talk to a nice guy. He’s a regular, anime-guy I’ll call him, because he’s the anime-guy, and he knows practically everything. He’s very sweet, and not so shallow like the other guys. Very rare.
We’re training an MIT (Manager In Training) and she’s very nice. I got some extra hours cause I was a good little girl, and I can pout with the best of them. 🙂 Trust me, no one can say no to my pouty face, not even… umm I dunno the Pope.
Nope, he couldn’t, he’d let me get away with… a lot of bad stuff, and I’d pout and get out of it.
I’ve been all shakey today. I hate that. Shakey shakey. Oh and I found out that I may be (Very high possibility) lactose intolerant. I think thats how you spell it… anyway. That sorta isn’t too fun because I love my Ben and Jerry’s. I don’t know what i’ll do when i get all sad–
I can’t have my B&J’s. *sobs*
You can never be too rich or too….
Thin, the blood has run out
Fangs ruin any cute pout
Morning has come now they’ve flown
What have you learned from what has been shown?
I love that song Translyvanian Concubine By Rasputina and Manson. I don’t listen to Manson much, but this song, is one of my favorites. Well it is now. I love that. I love how i can change favorite songs. Last week it was Sometimes it Hurts and this week it’s Translyvanian Concubine. I love music. All kinds
My best friend is moving in… did I tell you that all ready? more than likely yes. my room is all ready for her, but it feels all odd without her there, just cause there’s a large space for her bed, and no — her! 🙂 I miss her.
dare I say I’m possibly the most tired person in the world, who cannot sleep. Okay so I take that back, cause i’m sure there’s amother out there who has lost her daughter or ahh something like that.
That’s sad. No more sad. I like happy.
There’s something I never thought i’d say. I like happy. I like happy thoughts and happy things. For the most part, well no. People might think Vampires are sad things, but I am happy when I think of vampires, so I like happy things like vampires. so ha! my brain is slowly decaying. Bye bye brain…. lol
The things that make me happy, might make someone else sad. like… chocolate. that might make some girl who can’t eat it sad. right? I’m sure. >_<;; I’m slowly falling asleep at the computer.
Bad Idea.
I just want to write a lot and make my entry long. I miss making long entries. It’s something I enjoy.
All the things that form their lives, but they’re….
Dead, their sighs, their songs
They know what they do is wrong
*sigh* I suppose I should go for now. I’m so right out tired. I should take some tylenol…
Derringer Meryl [Translyvanian Concubine] Out
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