Baby Appointment Update
I just got home from the doctor, and it appears that I have 84 days until we have a brand new baby here. I will be given a c-section sometime in my 39th week. By my doctor’s measuring I’m 26w6d. (by my measure i’m only 25w4d)
So I might have a June baby! lol who knows at this point. we’ll see. My Blood pressure is good. I’ve still only gained 6 lbs (wahoo!) this pregnancy… and things feel good. I unfortunately have used up a LOT Of my time off this pregnancy (which is BAD) but I’ve had a baaaaaaaaaaaad march. Katie and I have been sick almost every weekend. This weekend was particularly bad due to katie being clingy and coughing and sick. Sneezing, sniffling, sick… it’s horrible. She looks really hung out to dry, poor girl. I was sooo tired … I am still. Katie is super rambunctious with her sickness too. I’m not sure why she’s so hyper, but it’s no good. I woke up saturday morning with her screaming and gasping for air at 5 am. I have had about 8 hours of sleep this weekend myself, mostly because I can’t get comfortable iwth katie sleeping on me.
On the upside I am in the processing of downloading more Jon and Kate plus 8 to watch… Scott and i will be re-arranging our bedroom later today. I hope we can get a few things done. #1) nap. 🙂
Derringer Meryl [baby baby baby] out
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