
Random things.

I got this elsewhere on the net…. but thought you all might be interested in reading it:

25 random things about Meryl:

1. I like pop up videos. Really.
2. I have absolutely always hated my own name.  (ETA: Sorry Mom and Dad, You did your best!)
3. Even though I weigh the most I ever have, I also have the best self esteem I’ve ever had.
4. I like substituting the real words in songs, and putting in the word “meow”
5. I am at my absolute happiest when singing. In tune or not.
6. I am an intense planner. I wouldn’t say a control freak… I just like knowing how things are going to be. They usually don’t go that way, but it’s still refreshing to plan.
7. I love to budget. I seriously do.
8. I spent most of my childhood and teen years looking forward to being a mother, and I often feel like a failure now that I am one. (not always, just often)
9. I played the violin for several months, but quit when I wasn’t amazingly good at it right off.
10. I can’t read and listen to music. The lyrics and the words get garbled together.
11. When I was little, I wished my name was Katherine.
12. I have wanted to be more than 10 different professions in the course of my life. Turns out? I actually hate doing just about anything.
13. I desperately miss working retail.
14. If I could do one thing as a job, I would LOVE to be a columnist for a video game magazine or parenting magazine (Column about video games!)
15. I have an intense love of fabric.
16. Once upon a time I wanted to be a fashion designer. Turns out? I have no sense of style.
17. I will always shop at the Hot topic. At least two items I wear every day are from there. 😉
18. I say random words like dojobby, thingamajiggit, bucketface, and (yes) banana hammock.
20. Some of my best memories involve a Dodge lancer, freeways, music turned up too loud, cassette tapes, junk food and my older siblings.
21. I often ponder on what has changed since the 1950’s in the American Worker’s frame of mind.
22. I wish I were eloquent enough to express all the emotion in my heart and mind so that the entire world could feel it.
23. Sometimes I wish I could sit all day in a cafe, or a coffee place, or anywhere, with a journal, and watch people.
24. In all my imaginings in all my life, I never imagined my life like this– which is alright with me, every day is surreal. I thought I’d be dead at 16.
25. I often wish the day had more hours in it, so I could work just as much as I am at home and still get to sleep. 🙂

Derringer Meryl [think about it.] Out

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