
Work Rant

Now, you might be saying “Isn’t it kind of dumb to rant about work on a server your work place owns?” and the correct answer would be yest, in most cases.  However I’m not bitching about my employer, so much as some of the employees.

I work in a fairly small office. 2 bosses, 7 underlings (including me) not huge. and we all pretty much understand the rules of an office so small. You don’t step on toes, and you try to respect everyone and not leave anyone high and dry.

This year (2008) has been the year of “Screw you guys, I’m going on vacation” Now, there have been some legitimate cases of Vacation and sickness and what not, but it seems to me that when 4 people have a day requested off (in an office of 7) one more person shouldn’t jump on the boat. Well they do, and it’s really starting to PISS me off. My job isn’t hard, it isn’t challenging. it’s nice and simple. I LOVE my job. I just think there should be some solidarity among co-workers. A kind of “no man left behind” thing. I don’t know. I have spent my fair share of nights working alone on the 5-7 time period. it’s not HARD to do the job alone, it’s just ANNOYING to do it alone.

And it would be nice that if I’m the one left holding the bag because I’m dependible and stuff, that I could maybe take a day off or two by myself and not feel guilty. Maybe I would stop feeling so guilty about it if I weren’t so mad when other people took time off. RANDOM “LA-DI-DA” time off.  like “I don’t have a care in the world about any of my co-workers and the fact that they’ve covered my ass time and again when I have needed time off, or just damn well taken it.”

I’m not a selfish person, ladies and gentlemen, but it occurs to me, around this time of year, that the number of people who have my back over their own is startlingly low. I am a loyal diehard person.

Sometimes it would be nice if someone were looking out for me — instead of themselves…. since I apparently have too much guilt to look out for myself.

Derringer Meryl [Guilty as Charged] Out

Written by admin in: Uncategorized | Tags: , ,

1 Comment

  • Mandinkus

    I had this same problem when I worked in the food court. I would trade shifts with people, come in when people were sick, stay late so others could go home. Then I realized that no one would ever return the favor, so I became bitter and stopped helping out so much. Sadly this seems to be a trend of the world. It’s all about me and right now, people just don’t think about how they affect others.

    Comment | December 15, 2008

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