
Someone To Hold

*rubs her eyes awake* I am awake!! Quick run down of the weekend. I stayed over at Mandarin’s house and went to Church with Scott. I know there were fifteen billion other intricacies, but this is what happens when I don’t get to blog my immediate impressions. *sighs*

I met another couple of new friends of Scott’s. One married couple, and one not married girl. *rolls her eyes at herself* Another bad flaw of mine, immediate Jealousy. Blah. If it isn’t because all of these wonderful people got to know and grow up with Scott– it’s for other reasons. I’m not really willing to shed light on. It’s not hard to pop me back out of Jealous mode though, especially not with Scott. No Siree. I just look him in the eyes and think to myself “You’re gonna marry him. And you love him SOOOO much. He loves you too. Remember?” and then I do. Then I’m alright.

We played a few games. I seem to have caught a permanent chill though *is currently shaking like a leaf* which could be bad.I liked the games, and I’m sure I could get better at them over time. I’m not great at all the games I play, but normally I play. I refused double dash because they were playing in teams, and I have only played VS and so I didn’t want to screw any one up. They played Dance dance, which Scott and I sucked at together, *smiles*

The next day Scott and i went to his family’s ward. It was nice. I have to admit they all seemed much nicer than my ward. Not that my ward is bad, they just can be really aloof sometimes. After Church we went and had some lunch, which was good, because at that point i had been fasting for over 24 hours (fasting, not eating…. whatever. I swear I’m not anorexic, and if you could see me, you’d know that it was true.) so I was feeling pretty ill. I considered asking Scott to take me home early from Church, but after our first meeting he reminded me that we needed to go visit Shelly and Ty. So I was alright. I just sorta… ignored my body. We went and met his friends. And then we headed back out to my house, where we had a few pictures taken. Not all of them are the most flattering of me, but Scott looks pretty dang cute in all of them 🙂 Very foxy. We went down and walked around temple Square. Sat in front of the Christus for two and a half english sessions, one spanish, and two German. I think the first German one wasn’t loud enough, so they played it again. Heh. Anyway. I love sitting there. I’ve never been inside (the actual inside, waiting rooms don’t really count) the Salt Lake Temple, and only in the Jordan River Temple once. But the Christus is one of my favorite places to go. I hadn’t been in so long. *sighs*

we came back and watched A Walk to Remember and had additional commentary from Dax. I couldn’t really kick him out of the common space basement, especially since he was there first, and he was doing homework. So I just tried to deal with it. Like Scott says, we had a tickle fight, but I lost, just like he says. I blame it on poor muscle tone and small hands on my part. *nods, then shifty eyes* And maybe I wanted to lose, that’s up to you to figure out. 😀

Anyway, i have schoolage, and what not. I’m exhausted from the weekend, so I’m going to go catch up on a few more z’s. 🙂

Derringer Meryl [Not So lonely Nights] Out

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