
I just screamed at Dairy Queen

I know i say this a lot but…. I’m tired

Yeah, I know you know. But I have a lot on my plate right now, and You’re lucky I’m not screaming.

Not that you could hear.

Blah. I have the front cover of the LIT MAG (Buy it lest I murder you) as well as making at LEAST 100 As Seen On TV tifs, editing a picture my brother drew, my regular class responsibilities, a job, and two AP tests, A chemistry test, and 15 assignments I have to turn in. I haven’t done my Video for my power point presentation because no video editing software seems to like me– at all. I have five more pages of my personal literary magazine to write, and no title that seems to fit it at all. I know I’m a whiner, but you would have NO idea the stress I’m under.


I need some Maalox.

Meryl [Nothing Snappy] Out

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