
NaBloPoMo Challenge

My former teacher issued a challenge to write every day in my blog for the month of november. Well due to the fact that I didn’t blog yesterday (november 2) I’ve failed. DUN DUN DUN! But hey, it’s all for fun, so why not.

Today was pretty chilly on the way to work. I got kicked out of bed by Katie fairly early on. I wish she would give up the paci and sleep with out it.

The view from my window is gorgeous, as usual. Katie had a great halloween, we had fun at a party. I was a bit cranky at the end, and I’m sorry for that. I got to chat with The Specialist’s fiancee, which was nice. I still haven’t met her, and i seem to be the one person in the universe who hasn’t 🙁 It makes me a little sad, but at the same time I have to keep it in check because I have to deal with the consequences of my choices.

I am enjoying the tunes of Hare Hare Yukai. Thinking about all the housework that needs to be done at home. Wishing I were there to do it. LOL that’s sick, right?

I am happy about things, in general. Sure If i could play things out I wish I had done a few things different… but there is no point in wishing for things to be different… You can’t change the past, only the future, and you can only control yourself, no one else. So I will do my best– I will wokr hard to let go of some of the hard feelings in my heart.

Derringer Meryl [So this is growing up] Out

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