
Who Whizzed in your Cheerios?

Have you ever thought that? I have people in my life that I feel are almost giving me flat tires…. If you don’t know what a flat tire is, it’s when someone walks so closely behind you that they accidentally pull your shoe off from stepping on it. usually happens a lot with flip flops.

I just.. I know I can do things well if I can just have a little space. JUST GIVE ME A LITTLE SPACE!

Anyway. I have finally started tying my robot quilt. I hear the cries of “TYING! WTH!” but at the same time, I just want it done. so… Yeah. I used high Loft batting. I love love love fluffy quilts. Got it on sale, so bonus. Then I just have Kate’s quilt, and then I have one other on a super back burner. It’s a non issue.

Then, I hope to have an Accuquilt GO to do some Dye cutting with (oh  baby!) and then do my Portal quilt. That I dream about nightly. Ok not really. But I do think about it a lot.

I am working on my book. I think about it. and pet the ideas I have in my head. I am writing some Physically in journals I have. Scott was super DUPER sweet and got me some composition books. They were like $0.40, but what does the price matter when he was being supportive. I really appreciate it. I’m scared to let him read it some day, but… hopefully he’ll like it. And hopefully some day I’ll publish it. And make money with it. It’s a dream. and a bit far fetched. But… Hope springs eternal.

Happy day.

Work is worky. I am trying. Did I mention a promotion? If not, I have now. It’s good.  We have been ill. It is not good. I feel like with the season change, or maybe it’s this time of year. I am feeling kind of bummed. Just… Down a little? Having problems with my sleep cycle. We’ll see how it works out. It’s funny, how stressed a person can be, doing nothing, and do a lot of something, and still be very stressed out.


Derringer Meryl [something something] Out

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The More You know….

So apparently lots of people have the same issue I do, which is namely that when you imagine something you have a hard time… fleshing it out. Making it real. OR if you do make it real that you have a hard time being satisfied with the end product (it doesn’t meet up with what you imagined.

Take for example, my Aperture Science Skirt. VERY retro. I would love to do a full skirt (not pleated, more gored, but not exactly…  like a fitted drop waist top, with piping and inset pleats…) Similar to below, but only a skirt. And the pattern? 1950’s Aperture Science Logo with Lemon-ades on them. (Lemonades= Lemons + Grenades) I don’t think I could sell the skirts (well maybe the pattern I had in my head, but not with that fabric) But a very full skirt, a very DIFFERENT patterned fabric.


I have tried designing the art for the fabric, and I am at a loss. I want it to work. I see it very vibrantly, but I have (as I have mentioned before) stupid hands.

Man. Not unlike the movie Limitless, what I wouldn’t do to have clarity! Ok, well I’d probably not lick blood off of the floor of a kitchen because it contained drugs, but you get the idea. I’d do a lot. Work? Nah, no way. Oy. I do keep trying, I just don’t have (is this irony) a lot of time for patience. Which sounds dumb. I will keep slaving away, trying to tweak things just right the way I want them. Maybe download some fonts so as to not infringe on Valve Copyrights. Eep. That’s the last thing I need! Sued for making a Lemonade skirt, ahah.

I would like to look at something, just once, and say “you turned out just right” Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m just never satisfied with how things are. I need something just more. Maybe I should work for looking at the good in things instead of being unsatisfied.

I have had it up to here (hand waaaaaaaaaaaaay over head) with my teeth and dental work. I’m about to say “screw it, rip em out” I mean… I hate getting my teeth drilled. OH and I have 4 more fillings and a crown to do! HUZZAH. Oh and we’ve ran out of dental insurance. So we pay for everything else now. Boo. Thanks a lot dental insurance!

I have came up with another book idea. I have been jotting at it for a while. (thanks To DQ for my journals that I jot in) I feel like I keep my best stories to myself, for fear that someone will steal them. I am working on it. It’s about a woman who goes insane and eventually is killed by a Psychopath couple. Yep. I’m TWISTED. Needless to say I’ll be doing a lot of research. I need to get a bit more specific than Psychopath I think. I think that’s too broad, too Dexter. 😛 Which is not what i”m going for. It’s going to be a first person book, and I’m trying to decide on if you know the character is always dead (like the annoying narrator on Desperate Housewives) or if you run into it. I think it’s better to know. It makes the story more compelling. I want to know why a dead character is telling me a story. But at the same time, it’s more twisted. You get attached to someone you know is dead.

Anyway. I only work on it really late at night, and my really late at nights are few and far between. I spend too much of my time doing otherwise… like sleeping. Psh.

I have been wanting to go on a Radio show they do here in town (WHAT UP RFH!) for their Ask a Feature. It kind of bummed me out when I realize that I don’t have anything to “ask a” about that I’d really want to discuss with anyone. I did offer one thing (Embarrassing, no i won’t tell you) and Richie Turned me down. he said “Bless your heart” Which might have meant “You’re a brain damaged crazy for wanting to come on our show” Overall, I’m pretty vanilla. Pretty plain, pretty ordinary. I’m not really upset about that, but it’d be nice to be able to say “Hey I did something special! Let me tell you about it!” But really– There’s nothing there. I’m pretty intense about my knowledge on geeky things. but nothing that Cary couldn’t talk about. I don’t really have an opinion. I think Anything I would have to talk about would be controversial, and I am NOT a confrontational person. The last thing I need is to put myself out there and say “This happened to me, I’ve experienced that” and have people give me shit about it (SORRY!)  I guess I could do a “ask a working mom” but honestly — not interesting. Plus DOI, Gina is a working mom, what would they need me for? I’ll keep thinking about it. Maybe you all have an Idea for me?

Anyway. Things to do, people to punch.

Derringer Meryl [happy days] Out


That’s RIGHT.

I have been trying for … a while now ( a great while, since November) to read Terry Brook’s The Wishsong of Shannara
I have come to the conclusion that it’s not really my cup of tea. However the deal is that Scott will read Twilight if I read Wishsong. So I am starting today… with a renewed effort to read it. Magic and Elves and Such belong in Movies and video games… and table top games. Books, I prefer to have kissing and romance, or something.

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