
And I’m one of those Girls.

Sunday before Christmas, and I’m done. I’ve got the cards written, I’ve got some of the presents delivered… and i’m feeling good. Tomorrow my Dad and I have to scurry off in the hussle and bustle to finish my mom’s Christmas shopping.

I went to the mall and found out that Marco was working there, which is something that everyone but me knew. *shrugs* I got to hang out with my friend for the weekend, and give her her present, as well as her brother…. who is also an Anime freak like me, but he’s a lot nicer than any other Anime boi i know. *laughs* Not at all like Miroku. heh.

Lets see, what else? Ah right, the topic for the day.

I wanted to write about this last night, but then I got all tired, so I didn’t get to. I was watching Sabrina but not the new one, which I enjoy thoroughly, but the older one with Bogie and Audrey Hepburn…. Yeah. It was….

I’d give a lot to be as pretty as Audrey Hepburn… anyway. I was thinking about… nothign like that happens nowadays.

heck, i don’t think it even happened back then… It’s sad. It’s sad that we’ve all become so eternally wrapped up in our day to day life that everything that’s romantic about being alive has been sucked out of it by the hum drum rut the entire world is in.

Maybe I have a little too much Anne of Green Gables running through my blood. I dont know. But I want someone to chase after me when I run, instead of saying “OH, there’s always more fish in the sea….” I want someone who says “I dont’ want any of those fish, I want her.” Is that so much? Is that insane to wish for? Sometimes, yeah, you have to let go, and move on– but how do you know when which is which…

Take for example my brother, the Specialist, and his wife, Antigone. He was keen on her. It was cute too. Cause he was like… OKay, I won’t say that…. cause i don’t want to be bruised for my birthday– but he had a case on her. But she kept saying “I just want to be friends…” and he would back off, give her some time, and then ask her out again… and he kept doing it, until she stopped asking to just be friends…. and then they got married. They’re well suited for each other…. Honest, if you saw them, you’d tip your head to the side, and make that “awww” noise. I can guarantee it.

Because while they argue like cats and dogs, you know it’s because my brother is stubborn, and so is his wife. so it’s extra cute. 🙂

Anyway– why doesn’t stuff like that happen to me? I’ve been on one date where the guy asked me. Maybe two, and it was the same guy– ya know? And he wasn’t anyone I seriously dated.

I asked Monkey out. Don’t get me wrong, he took me places… but it always felt like I was initiating it. *shrugs* that should have been a tip off. I asked my First boy friend out. I asked every guy i went out with In High school, out. And I’ve been all rejected before too. *coughs* Miroku. *coughs*

who cares, he’s a lech anyway.

Derringer Meryl [Girls Like Jerks…] Out

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