

There is a reason my BFF lives with me, because at this point I cannot imagine life with out her. She is incredibly supportive and sometimes after I come home from work and I’m collapsed on the couch she will discipline Katie for me. Yes I’m lazy, and it’s horrible, but she has the energy to go and put her in Time Out when I don’t. She makes me push harder when I’m at the gym, HECK i would never go to the gym without her (though I on occasion entertain the thought, but it’s no fun if there’s no one to giggle with.) And when we are down we help each other to get back up. She eats my dinner that I cook (and offer to her) but usually is very reserved about eating my food LOL. She always says it tastes good. I’m grateful that when I’m having a stressed mommy moment that she’s there to take one of the kids (who are usually pawing at me.) and give them a little attention. I’m a lucky girl. I always wonder what I’d do without DQ and the answer is… go crazy…


Derringer Meryl [Thankful] Out

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1 Comment

  • Drama Queen

    Ohhh! Thank you!! I, most of the time, feel like I’m not doing enough… But I will gladly yell at your child, force you to go a little further at the gym, mooch your food and laugh with you until Katie tells us to shut up any day. You’re the best, Bear.

    Comment | November 7, 2009

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