Hello faithful readers. Sorry I’ve been so grouchy lately. It’s my forte. I bit my own father’s head off last night at dinner for trying to tickle me. I’m in some sort of auto defense mode. Don’t ask me. I’m tending to freak out at anything that says to me: “This could lead to Scott unhappiness” and attempt to avoid it.
if it helps the reader to know, i’m in a new kind of exquisite pain, that I would not wish on anyone, No not even Hitler. Mostly I consider the pain to be recompense for being so mean. Which Is why I usually try to keep myself in control…..
Yesterday, i woke up pretty early, Like I said i would, and got a shower so i could style my hair. All my make up is sitting un-used in my drawer. I don’t need it to feel pretty or normal anymore. I can look in the mirror now (most times) and think how Scott loves me the way I am. Other times I recoil in horror wondering when I got that zit… anyway. Scott got here at Eight-thirty, and we watched MST3000. I’ve seen the show before, but still, it was funny…. though I admit, I wasn’t paying much attention to the film. Then Scott and I went on a search for the elusive wedding cake topper. (dun dun dun!) We looked at other things I had seen that i thought might be good for the wedding too. I have to have Scott’s input, because If I planned this all, it’d be quite an adventure. I realize just now that I forgot to take him to see the lamps my mom wanted to get. *sighs* Oh well. Maybe tonight? We found a guest book we both liked, fits our style just great, and talked about the cake knife. Scott doesn’t want it to be awfully gaudy, which I can understand, and I agree, but I want it to look pretty too… so it’s gonna be a while I think. I could, for all intents and purposes, just pick it out myself, but honestly… it wouldn’t be much of a wedding if Scott wasn’t there, so — yeah. He gets input too.
We discussed the garter event. He was leery about it… and asked a few questions, to which i scrunched my nose up and rather told him he would not be taking it off with his teeth. There is no way. Also, there will be two garters, One for me to keep (I’m picking out a rather expensive one… especially considering it’s a one time use garter) and a cheaper one to toss.
after looking at three different stores we hadn’t found a Cake Topper we both liked, but Scott suggested we looked online, so we did later on, and found this one.
What especially had frustrated Scott and I when we were out looking was the fact that only blonde grooms could marry blonde brides. It was rather frustrating. :-S This one we found has matching colors to us (Blonde Groom, Brunette Bride) and it’s just plain cute. *smiles*
Between all the cake topper goodness, we watched another movie… I’m not sure i”m allowed to tell you…. Hm… Oh well, Scott did it for me, because I love him, and he loves me. I got Scott to watch Harry Potter. Unfortunately it was in the middle of when I usually take my nap (apparently) and I fell asleep. At the end Scott said it was what he expected, it was okay. *shrugs* Still, He watched it, and it makes me happy to know he’s willing to do new things for me. *thinks of what she needs to do that’s new* Well, I did try D&D for Scott. So– yeah. 🙂 I guess it balances out.
We had our home teacher over and he gave us a message (as per usual) and Scott and Dax made little jokes through out it. I was the only one to hear them, but it was still funny. Then we watched a little of the apprentice (wahoo, it was the only non-gross thing on.) and King of Queens. Had some dinner, where I bit my dad’s head off (as per I formerly mentioned) and then we watched some of Record of Lodoss War: Chronicals of the Heroic Knight. It’s not bad, not like i expected (and was told) it would be. Once again, I wasn’t paying much attention to the film. I was just so happy Scott got to spend the whole day with me. I love that. I wish I had every wednesday free from School. *kicks school* stupid School!
So that was my day, edited for those who begged that I leave all the kissy stuff out. (NAH! :P)
Oh and… Happy 500th entry to me!!! I rock a whole bunch and stuff. 😀
Derringer Meryl [Happy giddy Girl] Out