I didn’t hear you leave– i wonder how am i still here
I worked at Gert’s roommate’s store tonight. It was nice to be able to clean his store up– and help him out a little. He’s a really nice guy– and very friendly… I really must think him up a code-name *smirks* I have it. I’ll call him Dateless. Everyone teases him about not having a date in quite a while, but all in all, i think it’s because the girls here are waiting for some dashing prince charming, who just isn’t going to come– and are simply missing the warm, funny, polite, kind and gentle guys around them.
Trust me– You don’t get everything you want in a mate, you give and you take on somethings, just stick it out on the important ones. That’s all i know, that’s all the wisdom i have to impart.
But there i am, working at Dateless’ store, and i was thinking that I could get used to it there. Not that I don’t love working at Gert’s store, he’s absolutely wonderful– which is mainly why I don’t want to work with him any more… because it’s unprofessional to date those you work with, I know that. Shit. I feel bad for dating monkey while we worked together– it was a bad idea… *sad eyes* i’m not going to focus on that right now-
anyway– the store is fairly easy to keep up, and i could date Gert (if i so chose) and i’d be away from Monkey … i’d still be in the company… though i’d be away from Artemis. that makes me sad, i do greatly admire her, and love to talk with her. Friendjamin is moving away, so either way, he’s going to be gone. I’d have to work with one pompous Animeboi. He annoys me …. probably because he turns me on so much. Which is icky, because he’s smarmy and ew, and… EW. really. he’s ew.
Why does it sound like i’m trying to convince myself? *shrugs*
anyway, I think i’ve caught myself an illness, so i’m going to go sleep, at a semi-reasonable hour.
Derringer Meryl [living the only way i know how] Out