
Clinging to you like cellophane

I’ve been collecting lyrics like these for a while. My lyrics stash is getting pretty huge (186 files of lyrics, some of them are just one lyrics orgy type thing. It makes me smile)

I love lyrics. They’re poetry to music. I love that.

I love this:

Your best friend I’ve come to be

Please don’t think of getting up for me

You don’t even need to speak

When I’ve been here for just one day

You’ll already miss me if I go away

So close the blinds and shut the door

You won’t need other friends anymore

Oh don’t leave home, oh don’t leave home

If you’re cold I’ll keep you warm

If you’re low just hold on

Cause I will be your safety

Oh don’t leave home

😉 I love this song. I also fell in love with Maroon5’s sweetest goodbye. It’s a goodie. Look it up. You’d like it too, I’m sure.

You want to know what i find freaky? All of my boyfriends (and now my fiance) that have had cars (mode of transportation), have had red ones, and wicked good stereos. Also a fetish with keeping their car nice. (Scott doesn’t have that issue so much, but he likes to keep it clean, but he’s not a freak about it) I’ve dated mostly people born in J months (January, June, July) Considering full names I have the statistic that they usually have an M or J in them. (Scott Michael) I like middle of the month or end of the month birthdays when it comes to all of my guys.

Am I freak for realizing all of this? I just find it quirky and interesting…. and I’m bored out of my skull waiting for Scott to get home.

Derringer Meryl [Music Freak] Out

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