
When She Was Bad

There was a little girl,

who had a little curl,

right in the middle of her forhead.

And when she was good,

she was very, very good,

But when she was bad

she was horrid!

What is horrid In your opinion. What’s a horrid act. I think it’s horrid that I like Eminem. Though The Specialist brings up an interesting point that he simply voices what everyone has thought once or twice in their life. “I hate my ex, I love my daughter, I hate my mom, I hate soinso”

i have to agree. Everyone does that. Cept in my case (at this point in life) i’d have to say it’d be I love my family more that my daughter, since i don’t have one. *nods*

Horrid: 2: innately offensive or repulsive: a : inspiring horror : SHOCKING b : inspiring disgust or loathing : NASTY

See, I find Hatred, a horrid action. If you’ve ever actually been inhibited by a deep abiding hatred for someone, you’d understand. It was like the obsession. IT was all i could think about. How much I hated him. How much i waited every moment for him to be in pain. When He was, I laughed. I laughed a lot. and i didn’t feel bad for it. Yeah. He was cruddy to me. He was cruddy boyfriend. He was horrible to me…. but all i did was kill myself slowly by hating him so much.

Yeah. I was dark. I hated life. I hated God. I hated every person who smiled, who laughed, who was happy…..

Then I got a little better.

And then– well. That’s for another day. Maybe not even for the blog. yeah.

Not for the blog.

Derringer Meryl [Inside my brain] Out

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