
Flat out Lies

Curiouser and curiouser. I’m not even sure curious-er is a word, but Alice got to use it, so … there you have it. 🙂

From one to three (basically two hours or so) I talked to monkey online. and I mean in the morning. I could have talked to him all night, but I had to go to bed since I had work the next day… Which saddens me. I’m glad we’re able to talk now, it may not be the hanging out and what not i’d like– but I prefer something to nothing.

never talking to Monkey again would make me cry. A lot.

*sighs* I’ve been quilting. It makes my fingers hurt. I can see why it’s a valuable thing to learn, but honestly, not that hard TO learn. Okay, I mean, learning to not stab yourself in the finger– hard. I promise you that. *yawns* I”m so freakishly exhausted. Very much so.

LOL, i startled the Mouth by telling him i was having an awesome day. He was appalled at the idea. His day seems to be incomplete without my whining. 🙂 He asked me why my day was so good. I responded that it was because that Monkey and I were getting along. (actually now that i think of it, we never were NOT getting along, just the communication was broken down.) He was impressed at how little it takes to make me happy. I agree. It takes very little. Minuscule amounts of energy… unless you are one of those people who can’t fall asleep after a certain time in the morning. 🙂 then it might be bad for you….. *laughs a little, then yawns*

I don’t know what’s going on with the mouth and his girlfriend (If you can call her that, i have no clue) *shrugs* and I always ask how he is, because he was apparently pretty down for a few days…. which who can blame him? I mean, I’m certainly not one to say anything. I’m the girl who got out of a ten month relationship, and was sad for nine. *shrugs* I’m emotional– overly so when it comes to my heart. I guess i rebounded better when it came to Monkey– besides the fact that he genuinely seemed like he wanted to stay my friend (as opposed to the other guy, who just wanted to put me on the back burner until he got bored with another girl…. Boy, I pick em.) I enjoy genuine people. 🙂

Anyway. I have to see a girl about a missionary farewell.

Derringer Meryl [The Road to hell is paved with] Out

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