
One Long Week

First of all… TGIF

Nextly… let’s recap the week. Monday, i went to my dr’s appt, All is well. Our little one (stay tuned to the entry to hear her name) is still a girl, and smaller than Katie was when Katie was 21 weeks (Kate was already 1lb and then some, this baby is still only 15 oz, but they say it’s just fine!)ย  She got all the measurements and everything, and I started to feel VERY lightheaded. Turns out, the baby was laying on a blood vessel, that i kind of needed for… blood vessel activities… like… transporting blood and what not. But our Girl is still a girl, and I am still shocked!

Then the real fun kicked in. Scott had taken me out for a Belated Valentines get away, that we both really needed, and while we were off having fun, Katie was at Lorna’s vomiting up a storm. Poor thing. Well she thought she was having so much fun, she passed the junk onto me, which turns out, i don’t have the immune system of an almost 2 year old, and got pretty sick. I was agonizing at work with some bad cramps and bad stomach pains that eventually turned into vomiting (how embarassing) I was sick half of tuesday, fine wednesday (weirdly) and then sick on Thursday. ๐Ÿ™ I had to go to L&D my dr’s office said between the vomiting, and the crying (I’d done a lot) and various other forms of losing fluid I wasn’t getting enough back in. SO, Yeah. They sent me to Labor and Delivery. I have read enough blogs of L&D nurses to know that if you’re there before 39 weeks and you don’t have baby legs sticking out of you, they’re probably thinking you’re crazy for being there. Everyone was very nice though. I felt like a moron that I couldn’t hydrate myself well. i asked the nurse what I could do to keep things down better. She suggested that if i’m prone to gulping water (I am) to have ice chips or warm water (as it’s less refreshing but hydrates the same) poor scott got dragged with me whileย  I got to sit in bed (uncomfortable bed) andlisten to our babyย  kick the heartbeat monitor. She was having fun. At least someone was! LOL. They ran a bunch of tests, and found nothing wrong (over all) except a slight infection that I’ll be taking some meds for, but it wasn’t the root of my problem. They gave me a shot of phenegrine (or something like that) to help me not throw up. And man, the IV was great too (even though I hate needles, I knew I needed it to feel better) I came home and laid around for a while, and snoozed. I had like a handful of french fries and called it dinner. Yep. I’m a genius. I know. LOL. I feel much better today, and Have yet to feel like puking. I do think I’ll be resting tomorrow though to feel better. Also I need to round up someone to do nursery as I feel still pretty weak. I don’t want to pass this bug onto the kids (if possible, I’m sure if the parents knew they’d thank me!) I had plans of cleaning and laundry and such, but I’m fairly sure it will actually entail watching TV, and wrangling Katie…. and trying to let Scott sleep as much as possible.ย  Since Drama queen will be out, if anyone wants to come and help me wrangle Katie ๐Ÿ˜‰ You’re welcome to. But let’s not judge my VERY VERY VERY messy house, ok? ๐Ÿ˜€

Mostly right now i”m craving a BIG OLE BURGER. Something big and greasy you’d get at a good ole mom and pop’s burger joint. ๐Ÿ™‚ย  But, I’m trying not to push it. Heck this morning I thought I was pushing it with one of those mini breakfast sandwiches from BK

Oh, did you want to know the name? Since apparently some people know and others don’t and to be honest– I’m kind of forgetting who and who. Sorry. I’m just doing the mass “Hey guess what” type thing and just saying, yep her name is…. Audrey Sakura.

Don’t like it? Good for you ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s not your baby.

Derringer Meryl [need sleep… or food… or both!] Out

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  • Amy Lee

    I love the name! That was actually on my short list, its very beautiful!

    Comment | March 7, 2009
  • Carolyn

    I really really love the name Audrey. Too bad I have a sister with that name… not that I wouldn’t love to name my baby after her. She’s awesome. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Comment | March 7, 2009

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