
Lost in a Thunder cloud

And this one time……

I remember that i was taking piles of work out, and he handed me some…. and …. our hands brushed. It was like time slowed down. I miss that.

I suppose I should review life. Work, is great. I love my co-workers. I need to generate more bussiness. If we don’t….. then …. no hours=no money=sad me.

I’m still groaning and moaning about the total moron that is me. For the fool I made of myself.

All life is now is school and work….. and work used to include him. and now it doesn’t. life seems empty. Ya know? it was like I’d look forward to going because… he’d be there, or I could maybe see him, or be some where he was that day.

And now. it’s empty, and cold. and filled with organization, and memorization…. and blah

Feeling the adoration of the rain we’ve been having. He used to tell me when it rained “I love the rain. I love the way it smells, and the way it looks, and I love being in it….” It was…. nice.

The rain reminds me.

Derringer Meryl [Remember Me, Ever so softly] Out

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